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I think there will be 4 - 5 (maybe 6) parts to Before VidCon.


The hot water washes over my head giving me calming sense of belonging.

My mind is clear.
All irrational thoughts washed away by the water. Like some sort of cleansing or something.

I don't usually like showers.
When I just need to distract my mind - it's perfect.

Also there is no bath.

I hear a knock on the door - just - and then some words that I can't here properly.

I turn off the shower.

"What?" I half shout then realising there was no need.

"Darryl?" its Zak, "ummmm everyone is like having a pre-VidCon gathering soonish so ummm yeah," he sounds nervous.

"Ok," I quietly said back.
I hear him leave before turning the shower back on.

I don't know how I feel.


Dave brought his PC.

Why did I not see that coming ?

He'd called me to his room and had a suitcase sided on the floor.

"What?" I questioned him.

He didn't look up but a stranger I didn't recognize with brown-ginger hair and beanie looked at me and just said 'watch'.

I look as David opens the massive black suitcase on the floor.

Wait, wait, wait. Where was this earlier?

In the suitcase is literally a desktop and multiple extension cables and a mouse and keyboard in there respective packaging.

A bunch of us gasp whilst others just kind of look at it confused

Including me.

"Why," I ask him.

Dave looks up to me with that sarcastic smile of his.

"Well," he says taking hid hands off the lid of the suitcase, "when I heard there would be a TV and I kinda just had too,"

"Yeah but do you even know if your aloud to hook up things to it - never mind how,"

He just looks at me with a blank stare like some kind of animal. Bear in mind there are still multiple people standing around him.
He snaps out of it and says.

"It was a risk I was willing to take skepo,"

I literally want to hit him right now.

Other people laugh and just ask him questions about specs - nothing that particularly interests me.

I go to walk outside.


It's already dark outside.
Even though it's 6pm.
It's raining, but I don't care.

I don't have a coat.
But I don't care.

I'd put up the hoody of my light blue jumper but within minutes, it's soaked through.

I stand outside the building.
Cars come and go unloading people and their luggage, YouTuber's , but none I even vaguely recognize.

I want to sit somewhere , but there's not even a wooden bench even though trees sit everywhere almost embedded in concrete.

I hate that they do that.

The rain keeps coming down and has soaked every inch of the top half of my body.
But, I don't care.

People walk past me - looking at me.
But I don't care.

I just need to clear my head - its been hurting and I don't know why.
I don't care.

One girl walks up to me to ask if I'm ok.

I don't know.


She walks off.
I'm left alone in the rain.

I don't care how wet I get anymore...


Sorry about previous notification - I accidentally clicked publish instead of save.

One/Two more Before VidCon scenes.

Q/A : What country are you reading this in ?

kk ily bye

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