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Darryl had only had to pay half of the plane cost. Zak had offered to pay all of it, but Darryl had insisted of paying half of it. He felt sad that Zak had payed half of it. Although if Darryl had payed full he wouldn't of been able to pay rent. Kali probably would have payed it, but she was so nice to him and couldn't put any more stress on her either.
The flight would be 9 hours.
9 hours and 18 minutes.
9 hours and 18 minutes of what?
He wasn't really sure what he could do in that time with the resources he had.
He guessed he could read something, or watch something.
But what..?
He was packing his stuff when Kali came through the door.
"Where you going?"
It suddenly occurred to him that he hadn't told Kali he was going.
"Did I really not tell you?"
"VidCon? Surely I told you," Darryl was surprised that he hadn't told Kali.
"Since WHEN?" Kali seemed to get a bit annoyed, "The least you could have done was tell me!"
"I know, I'm really sorry that I forgot to tell you,"
She sighs.
There's a moment of silence and then, being the physic person she is, she says:
"Zak persuaded you didn't he?"
I swear to god, she has some kind of super power.
"" I say rather unconvincingly.
"Darryl, the worst thing you could probably do right now, is lie to me," she says in a semi stern tone as she leans against the door frame.
I don't say anything. But somehow her eyes grow and she said the last thing I think she would say.
"You're in love with him," and then silence.
"What n- ," I start to say.
" Darryl I swear to God if you fucking lie to me again..." she starts to say then stops with her mouth open. She then laughs and smiles.
"Well, have a good time,"
She leaves me in the room alone frozen.
I continue packing and thinking about what I could do for the 9 hours on the trip, but whilst doing that the same phrase keeps ringing through my mind.

"You're in love with him,"


My summer school ended!
I can write more now!
I have college in a week but I'll try to continue this.
Thanks for all the love.
400 words btw

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