
449 20 17

[George = Spifey]

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Holding Special Event look at end notes for more details!


"Wow, your room is so fucking small,"


It had probably been less than ten minutes in our rooms and everyone else were already congregating in the hall like Year 6's [/ 6th graders] on a school trip.

George was standing in the doorway looking in.

He laughs.

"Our room is a lot bigger than this," he laughs.

Wow - of course the only room with 3 people is the smallest. Just our luck. Unless he was lying.

"What? Show me your room then," I say back attempting to sound as mocking as he did. I fail.

"Pffft you can later blue-y boi," he says and boops me on the nose - I retaliate by slapping his hand away, he laughs, "we're all planning to get together tonight in our for a pre-stress-day 'party' thing that Jack was sorting out," he says leaning back up as if to leave.

"Oh cool guess I'll see you then... then" I say - admittedly slightly thankful that he's leaving.

"Oh and SKEPO,"

God damn he must of overheard Dave.


"You might want to have this back," he puts his hand out to show a phone.

Why would he -

I pat my pocket.
That Sneaky - Sun of a biach [Sun-of-a-bee-ach] .

"How did you -" he cuts me off.

"Secret," he says tapping his nose and then leaves the doorway and through the hall.

I laugh.
I'm gonna have a good time here.


"Ow, what the -"

I turn around to see Vincent with his fucking baguette.

"En guardé," he says pointing it towards me in a semi-crouch stance.

I grab his Baguette and snap it in half.

He looks at me as if I just killed someone. He squints and start eating one end of the baguette.

I laugh and he pokes me with the other half of it.

"You think that will stop me?" He says through baguette crumbs.

"Yes," I say in-a-matter-of-factly.

"Darn," he says and drops the other half of the baguette.

I look at him.

"Hey, do you know where Darryl went?" I ask.

"I think he's still in the shower," he says whilst munching on the broken baguette.

I listen closely.

Over all the voices in the hallway I can hear the faint sound of water hitting a tile floor.

"Ah - ok," I say.

Hurry the fuck up.


400 Words Meh.

Do you want YOUR character to show up in THIS BOOK for FREE?

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Name (Self Explanatory)

Natural Appearance (Hair/Eye Colour , Age e.t.c.)

Clothing you want them to appear in. (Optional) (Hoodie/Shirt description etc)

Personality/Characteristics (also optional)

And anything extra.

Your character MAY show up in either the VidCon scenes or any future ones!

Thanks for ready - don't forget to vote for more - and have an amazing day!

kk ILY bye

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