Paper Straws

680 42 15

"Plane 074, will be arriving in 10 minutes."

I sit in the airplane terminal twiddling my thumbs together like if I stop moving time will cease to exist. The announcement catches me by surprise and makes me happy at the same time.

10 minutes.

I sit up from the lone seat that I was sitting on and go over to the small side McDonalds across the room. I look to my left just in time to see a girl and a boy embrace as the boy gets off the plane. After hugging for about 10 secs she pulls back and looks at him with a smile. Then they kiss. That's when I look away.

The McDonalds isn't that busy. About three people waiting in the orders queue. I order a double cheeseburger, fries and a vanilla milkshake. It's what I usually get so no big thing. There is a little side room with a few tables and chairs. It's reasonably full. But I can see a chair against a table which is empty. I sit at it with my tray full of food. It came reasonably quickly. I look at the time.

8 minutes.

I take a sip of my milkshake. The paper straw is already softening through the wetness of my spit. I hate the paper straws. It would be fine if it weren't for the fact that they contained plastic. Like, if your going to make 'paper straws' at least make them fucking recyclable. Seriously.

5 minutes

I sit here now staring at the opposite chair to me - empty. I think about Darryl. I check my phone.

5 minutes.

I sit staring and staring at the ghostly chair as I unintentionally block out all sound. I check my phone.

4 minutes.

I close my eyes as I think of him.
God, I love him so fucking much

"Excuse me?"

I wake up from my temporary day dream which - annoyingly - I was enjoying. I look up. A girl maybe about 19 is standing there. She is leaning against the once unoccupied chair , one hand on.

"Yes?" I say in a tone that I didn't realize was rude until I'd said it.
She looked really taken aback and nervous.

"Ummmm, I was wondering if I could borrow this chair," she said in a quiet and, as much as she tried to hide it, scared voice.

I shake my head.

"No no no, its fine take it," I say quickly.

She smiles a warm and innocent smile as I hear 2 things at the same time.



"Plane 074 is arriving in dock 013, thank you for your patience!"

I stand up rather quickly startling the girl.

"Sorry," I say and grab my stuff and run off towards the dock.

I look out the window as I approach and see the plane slowing down into the dock. Less than 10 seconds later I start to see people emerge from the end of the big, square tube connecting us to the plane. And in the back I see...


He looks up. And I notice he's pulling along a big wheely-suitcase. I attempt to enter the tube but before I can I feel a arm holding me back.

"Sorry Sir," the flight attendant says to me, "your going to have to wait,"

"But my friend -"

"Look, sir, I would let you," she starts, "but legally I CANNOT let you past,"

I step and look at her.

"Ok, sorry,"

Darryl reaches the end of the tube and places his bag next to me.

"Carry it," he says to me.

"I'm sorry?" I ask, not believing what he just said.

"I'm tired," he moans.

"So am i," I say defensively

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fine,"

I laugh.

"Hey! BLUE HOODIE," I hear someone yell behind me.

I turn around to see the girl, whom I met earlier, carrying a rucksack in her hand.

My rucksack.

I run over to her as she approaches, she with two other people that seem to be her age.

I grab one of the arms from her.

"Thanks!" I say smiling.

"No problem," she says just before her friend says one word which change my life forever.

In a book its always cliched, that one moment is to cause for everything. Everything after that moment, has been shaped by that. I though that was bullshit but this, this one fucking word the girl says made my life from here out.




Evie is Zak's old GF
It said in Part 1.

Yes I am writing again.
I'm in college and well college sucks.

Plz tell me if you guys are enjoying it. If I know, it makes me more inspired to write more. And also it really helps my self esteem.


Kk ily bye

Also rate and comment or a muffin will fall on ur head.

Word Total: 810

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