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"Freedom, is always illusionised"
-Alexa Richard

Wet clothes stick to my skin.
I don't move.
It hasn't stopped raining for 2 hours, or at least I think it's been that long.
I don't move.
I pull my phone out of my pocket to try and distract myself, I need it.
It's dead.
I sigh and put it away back into the pocket - not able to keep if dry.
The bench has begun to feel like it's become a part of me.
I don't have any intention to leave.
The words people say as they pass me fall on deaf ears.
I sit still.
Does it matter if I go inside any more?
I could just stay here.
Better not ruin the Hotels carpets.
They wouldn't like that.
I would make the room too wet.
Darryl and Vincent wouldn't like that.
I don't have any intention of moving.

I don't move.


The minutes pass and he's still missing.
People are becoming more worried about him.
I can't hold my worried essence in either it's seeping out and I don't know how much longer I can hold my mask.
It isn't right.
He'd usually tell me if he was going anywhere when we were out.

It's not like him and it worries me more than anything that I have ever felt before.

What if he's lost?

What if he's been taken somewhere?

What if he's drunk or lost his phone and can't find his way back?

I consider calling the police but what can they do?

What can anyone do?

There are about 5 people in our 2 person dorm-like room now. It's packed to the rim and I hate it.

"Hey Dar'," Someone calls out. It's Clay, he's in the corner of the room right by the door leaning on the wall - crossed arms as if he was a teacher surveying his students.

I walk overriding the sadness from my face - like always,

like always...

I go next to him and lean my back against the wall next to him - mirroring him.

"You okay," he asks after a few seconds.

I stay silent.

"Well, okay apart from the obvious," he says with his soft but informative voice that he usually spoke in.


That's all I say. That's all I say. I dare not say more.

"Listen," he starts, "I know you and Zak where close, but he can't of gone far," he reassures me.


"He's probably left his phone somewhere dumb and he's trying to find it," He says attempting to bring up the mood.

"Yeah probably,"

must be.

Suddenly, someone I vaguely recognize bursts into the room. Clay seems to recognise him instantly and walks hastily over to him.

"What?" he says, a big sense of questioning not able to be disguised in his voice.

The guy is panting hands on his knees bent over as he catches his breath - everyone's staring at him in atticaption.

"What is it? Tell us," Clay asks again a bit more serious this time.

The guy looks up at him, tired eyes gliting in the light.

"He's... just outside," He manages to say - still breathing loudly. A loud sigh fills the room - at least he's safe.

Now I talk.

"Where?" I say desperately.

"Outside... sitting on a bench... in the rain," he manages to say.

I start running.

"BAD," Clay calls out to me as I run out the door.

I don't look back - and I continue running.


OK so I forgot about this but it got popular again for some reason - I'm gonna rewrite every chapter to save me form embarrassment and to make it more cannon to nowadays.

This is a 2 parter kind of.


Ok bye ily

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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