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As I'm now in my dream world I walk around but I stop I began to hear screams as I'm now on a burning battlefield with dead humans and shatterd gems

Steven: WHAT!?

As I hear laughing

Steven: What the who who's there?

Ahahhhhhaha as a pink heart gem is now in front of me!

Steven: who are you?

Oh hahaha you'll find out you thank I'm the end of your happy ending but I'm not we don't have to be rivils.

Steven I've had enough of games!

Oh please with out me you won't be able to save earth or the ones u love the crystel gem are your family yes

As steven looks away

Ahh I sence you are mad at them yes?

Steven: I.. Yes I'm angry at them for all the lies and pain they have put me throw!

U see them as traders?

Steven: What no even if they gave done bad things there my family and I will do anything for them and for earth our home!

You carry a great sadness in your heart.

Hmm I've got it, john me together we can save earth from its doom!

Thanks but no thanks, me and the gems can handle anything that comes to us

Hmm I did not want to do this but I have no choose, what if I can show you the future?

Steven only garnet can see the future and even its not set

Dose she? She says as I'm covered in a black glowing ash

Steven: I I no no stop it!

Know your self know who u will become! As she disappears

As I see visions

Steven: ahh ah no I won't look!


As I see Connie bismuth and peridot attacking me!

Lapis: Steven please! as I see her gem get shatterd in to pits

Connie: I loved you Steven

You will be a powerful diamond

Steven: I HATE YOU!! I hear a future me yell As I see the earth blow up!

Steven: no no NOOOOO!!

As the ash clears

Are you alright? the gem tells me

Steven: I will do so many horrible things, the crystel gems its all there fault!

Yes but that dose not have to happen the chosse is steel yours to make.

Steven: how?

The future by its nature can be changed, john me and together we will destroy that gem u saw and stop the crystel gems from destroying earth and we will end war and suffering!

Steven: will we save earth?

Of course as she holds out her hands

go to the beach I will be there when I can!

As I wack up with a new mission, stop the crystel gems as my eyes turn dark pink with hate As I look at the warp pad as I began to do something pearl and garnet would have killed me over I smach the pad with my shiled so they can't follow me As I go outside.

Steven universe the end of the happy ending!Where stories live. Discover now