the war has begun

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Steven: Earth is in danger, the gem war has begun! He,says as he puts on his new armor.

Bismuth: you sure that is all you need? A chest plate armored plates for your arms and gauntlets?

Steven: yea I thank so as he pants yellow stars on the sholderpads.

Bismuth: you do look like a leader in that.

Steven: yea alright let's go back to the house to get ready.

At the house

Garnet: Greg is everyone leaveing?

Greg: yea will almost everyone Ronaldo wanted to to stay but his dad told him no so yea that's everyone

Garnet: Amythest go check on peridot we need those robots done quick.

As steven and bismuth enter the house.

Pearl oh steven you look so handsome in that!  Making him blush

Steven: thanks it shows my loyalty to earth.

Pearl: i like the stars on the sholderpads to

Steven: I hope that lapis and Connie are okay.

Garnet: they will be fine.

Garnet: pearl any word from the diamonds?

Pearl: blue diamond wants to speck with Steven about it.

Steven: vary will.

On the leg ship.

BD: steven it is good hearing from you again.

Steven: thanks blue but earth is in danger and we need reinforcements please help us.

BD: will I'm not on homeworld at the moment but I will be there soon.

Steven: thanks blue I really appreciate this.

BD: anything for you Steven.

As we,walk back out side

Garnet: SHE'S HERE! as we look up.

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