battle of life or death

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Steven pov

We look up to see metal in the shy as we see what looks like a kindergarten drill on a ship as it begens to drill into the earth as I see the gem from my dreams the same one that liyed and almost turned me against my family as she shape shifts her head in to a microphone


Steven: You liyed to me! Leave and no one gets hurt! as she jumps down to gret us.

Shame you would have been able to save the one you love from her end!

Steven: what do you mean?

You steel thank I am putting this dum would in danger you are the one they should be afraid of!

Steven: no

Garnet: Steven remmber what I told you the future is never set in stone you make your own destiny. As she puts her hand on my shoulder

Steven: thanks guys were in this togather!

ENOUGH as she uses her powers to grave pearl and slame her in to the wall.

Amythest: oh it is on now!


AS she attacks but is slame eight in to pearl.

Steven No garnet?

Garnet: right as we jump and fuse into Sunstone as we attack her full forse but with out even a flich she grabs us and punshes us again and again in tell she trows us into the cliff below the light house making us unfuse.

Steven: garnet.. no

Steven: why are you doing this?

I will finish what pink diamond could not!

As she grabs me by my nick as I see a sword in her hands as she stabs me sliceing my gem in half!


Steven pov

I look to see Connie staring at me with tears in her eyes as I'm thrown far away from the house as I hit my head everything go's black!

Steven universe the end of the happy ending!Where stories live. Discover now