Chapter 2~

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After signing off on all the papers, Kuza said "Alright, awesome! He's all yours, Chris!" I smiled and looked over at the bundle of sass next to me. I stood up and said "Great, thanks man!" He nodded and said "If you have any problems, just call." I nodded and said "Alright, I will." He stood up and said "Oh wait, before I forget.." Opening a drawer in his desk, digging in it for something. He pulled it out and I saw it was a dog collar attached to a leash. He walked over to Devin and put the collar around his neck. "Mikey if you wanted me on a leash so bad, all you had to do was ask." Devin said, biting his lip at Kuza. A brief second of jealously flared in me, then Kuza said "Good to know, but I'm not the one taking you home, Devin."

Devin smiled at me and said "I know." When he got the collar on, he handed me the leash and said "I'd say go easy on him, but he told me he likes it rough, so go nuts." I smirked and took hold of the leash. We said bye, and I brought Devin outside to my car. I opened the passengers side door for him, and he climbed in. I shut the door, walked over to my side, and got in. I closed the door behind me, started the car and asked "Ready to go to your new home?"

He nodded and said "Yep." Popping the 'P'. I nodded and pulled out of the parking lot, before driving towards home. We rode in silence for a few minutes, until I spoke up. "So um...I hear you like it rough...Is that true?" He smirked and said "Uhuh...Some of my old masters didn't like it, because I always like to dominate...That's what got me put into Mike's shop..My last master hated that I was a dominant sub..So he just gave me up."

"That sucks." I said, biting my lip. He nodded and said "Yeah. It's whatever, I guess..But that doesn't matter now, I have a new home to look forward too." I nodded and turned my attention back to the road, an awkward silence falling over us both. After a couple minutes of silence, Devin turned to me and said "So tell me..." I looked at him confused and asked "Tell you what?" He reached over and put his hand on my upper thigh, making me inhale sharply. He leaned over the console and brought his lips to my ear. "Do you like being dominated?" he purred in my ear, making me shiver a little...This kid is bold.

I swallowed and said "No..I don't." knowing it was a lie. I love dominating, but I like switching it up a little. His hand moved higher up, getting closer to the now obvious problem in my jeans. "I think you're lying." He whispered, bringing his lips down to my neck. I was trying as ard as I could, trying my best to stay cool, but he's killing me.

"You know what I think?" he asked, looking down at my crotch. "Wh-What?" I stuttered. "I think...That you want me to dominate you...I think you want me to fuck your heart out...Is that what you want? Hmm?" Finding a sweet spot on my neck. I gripped the steering wheel and kept a moan that was trapped in my throat, back. He saw how I was acting and chuckled. "Come on, baby...Don't hold back on me.." I wanted his hand to touch me where I needed it most, but he's such a tease. "Please...Just touch me.." I whimpered, making him smile...So much for being dominant...

"That's what I like to hear." He said, moving his hand up higher until he finally reached my hard on. He rubbed and palmed me through the thin fabric of my jeans, and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I let out a low moan and relaxed. "There you go...Mmm you're so big..."

He had no idea who he's dealing with. I could fuck him hard enough to make him bleed...But hey, like he said...He's a freak...A sassy one.

Dirty Boy (Chris Motionless & Devin 'Ghost' Sola)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora