Chapter 3~

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Throughout the rest of the drive home, Devin kept rubbing me, purring things in my ear, just driving me fucking crazy, really. I just hope he's ready for what I plan on doing to him...Then he'll know who's in charge.

I somehow managed to keep my cool until we got back. I pulled into the driveway of my house, and killed the engine.

"Get out." I demanded, looking over at him. He smirked and whispered "Yes daddy." Before getting out, and walking over to the front door. I got out, followed close behind him, and unlocked the door. I opened it, allowing him to go in first, and followed behind.

"Wow...Nice place.." He said, looking around the inside of my house. I closed the door behind me and he looked over. "So...What should we do now?" He asked, stepping closer to me. I looked at him with burning eyes, imagining all I could do to him. Before he could react, I grabbed him by his arm and threw him up against the wall, a small yelp escaping him. I pinned him there and wrapped my hand around his throat.

"Do you have any idea what kind of things I can do to you, after what you did back there?" I growled in his ear. He bit his lip and said "Yes sir...What do you wanna do to me, daddy? Have I been a bad little boy? Hmm?" I groaned and crashed my lips onto his. He instantly moaned into the kiss and wrapped his arms around my neck. I slid my hand down to his perfect ass, and pulled him closer to me. I could fuck him into the wall if I wanted to, but I wanted him to meet Ricky before I wanted to do anything.

I detached my lips from his and said "There's someone I want you to meet." He gave me a confused look, but nodded. I turned around and yelled "Ricky! Ricky baby, I'm home! I brought you a new friend!" Devin drew his eyebrows together and asked "You want me to meet your boyfriend?" I smiled and said "He's more than just my boyfriend. He's my-"

"Chris?" I heard a faint familiar voice say. We both looked over and saw Ricky standing there, confused, and hugging himself with this arms. "What's going on?...Who is he?"

I smiled and said "Ricky baby, this is Devin. He's gonna be staying with us. I bought him from Mike's shop." He nodded and asked "Why?" A look of worry falling over his beautiful face.

I stepped closer to him and said "I get too rough with you sometimes when we have our fun, baby, so that's why I got Devin." I saw those blue eyes of his I love so much, swell up with tears. "So...Y-You're breaking up with me?"

That just broke my heart and I felt horrible. I would never want him to leave, he's my whole world. "No no, God no baby, I don't want you to leave. I just thought we could even things out with Devin here. I get too rough with you, and he likes it rough. I could be rough with him, but be gentle with you. Last time we had sex baby, your hips were purple. I felt awful...I just don't want to hurt you, baby." I said, putting a hand on his cheek.

He leaned into my hand and said "But...But I like it when you're rough with me...I do, cause I know you love me." I never knew that..He always seemed so frightened when we'd do it...I feel like a dick now.

"Y-You do? I thought...I thought I was hurting you.."

He smiled and said "No baby, you never did. I love it when you get rough with me..I know it makes you happy. But in glad you got Devin, I'm not mad baby."

I smiled and asked "You're not? You sure?"

He laughed and said "Yeah, I'm sure. I kinda like the idea of um...Spicing things up...It sounds fun."

I smiled and saw Devin smiling to. "It's fine baby, I promise." He said, smiling. I gently grabbed his face in my hands and pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back and I rested my forehead on his.

"I love you." I said, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"I love you too, baby."

(Devin's P.O.V.~)

Just watching them together, surprised me. I just thought he was gonna be another asshole who can't fuck just one person, but Chris is different. The look in his eyes when he sees Ricky, is just so loving. I've never seen that kind of love with any of my old masters. All they wanted to do was fuck, cum, and repeat whenever they pleased, but I never expected this...I was in a good home.

I'd feel loved here.

(Chris's P.O.V.~)

Devin and Ricky said hi to each other and started talking. They weren't awkward around each other, nor did they have a look that said 'He's mine bitch, back off.' They just talked like they were good friends, and that made me very happy.

I want Devin to feel welcome here, and I want him to feel loved like Ricky is. I didn't buy him just to treat him like a new blow up doll for my personal pleasure, I wanted someone to help expand the love that Ricky and I have, and I thought I was hurting him for letting my...instincts out when we have sex. Just because I have two slaves, doesn't mean I'm a cruel person. They're just as human as I am, and I would never intentionally hurt them.

The first time I got into slave buying, I thought I had to be a total hard ass, beat them if they were bad, and make them do whatever sick, twisted thing, I pleased. But the moment I first laid eyes on Ricky, I knew I couldn't hurt him. When I first saw him, the first thing I saw, were his eyes. They just had this pure, innocent, beauty in them, and I felt horrible for even thinking I could ever hurt someone like him. He was just so shy and scared, and I didn't wanna be cruel to him like other assholes are.

I wanted him to feel at home, feel safe, and treat him as if I knew him for years. We didn't have sex the first day I brought him home, we actually waited until a couple months later. Over that time I got to know him. He told me his interests, what he does in his free time, and how he's just really shy around people.

Soon I realized I fell for him, and we've been together ever since. Outside the bedroom, I'm a loving boyfriend who treats Ricky like my prince and I love him to death, but in the bedroom, I dominate. I'm actually a pretty chill and relaxed person, but I really come alive in the bedroom. And I know I get out of control sometimes, and I don't mean to hurt him.

Now I really think things will get better from here....For all of us.

Dirty Boy (Chris Motionless & Devin 'Ghost' Sola)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt