Chapter 15

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Three days later, you did indeed go back to school. As you walked in your class, your teacher stared at you. "Y/n." She said. "Hi Tsunade-sensei."

You sat next to Neji without a word. "Well um, back to the lesson." You ignored most of what the woman said, focusing mainly on the time. All you wanted to do was hurry and head to lunch with Jessica, Kim and Suigetsu.

The bell faintly rung in your ear. How long were you staring off into space? About an hour and a half? Already tired, you stood and exited the class heading to your next class. Neji tried talking to you, but unknown to you, you kept walking.

♧Your pov♧

I entered Art class, not really interested in what we were going to learn today. A strange tall boy, most likely a senior walked in. He looked at us all with a straight face.

He had black hair and black eyes. The boy took out a scroll and wrote something on it in black ink. "Ninja art! Super beast scroll!" The painting or writing came to life and floated in the air!

"My name is Sai. I am an older student, yes. I'm about to graduate. Work with me and I'll treat you as equals. I'll be teaching you Ninja Art. We are ninjas, not ordinary people. That means we must embrace this side of us. Chakra is needed to perform this type of Art. Sometimes the Art is used in battle."

We have never been thought this before. Are they changing teaching styles already?

"Here." Sai walked around giving each of us scrolls. When he approached Ino she gave him a seductive smirk. Sai rolled his eyes handing out ink and paint brushes.

We soon started learning the basics. "Sai-senpai! Like this?!" A girl squealed out. "Ninja Art!" The painting wiggled about in the air. It was a snake. Sai gave a sigh and looked away. "That was bad for your first try."

Ino stood. The show off. Attention seeker. "No! Like this! Ninja Art! Super beast scroll!" Sasuke's face appeared. "That wasn't bad. Are you familiar with Ninja Arts?" Sai asked her.

"I'm a Yamanaka! My family specialises in Ninja Art!" She bragged, capturing Sai's attention. Oh God why.


Sai walked over to me and stared at my art. "Summon it." Did Ino posses this guy or something?! I gulped and summoned it. The flowers and trees covered the class. Sai stared at me. A faint smirk on his lips.

"That was perfect." Ino gasped glaring hard at me.

After class I left the school quickly, jumping on my motorbike. I placed my helmet on and started the bike, riding off to meet up with Kim, Jessica and Suigetsu. I park the bike beside the fast food spotting dark red hair. Right away I knew it was Jessica.

I entered Wendy's and approached her quietly. "You are so bad at sneaking up. Hide your chakra!" Jessica said to me. I laughed sitting beside her. "You look pretty today~" she flirted. I smirked playing along. "I know right~"

Jessica and I laughed together waiting on the boys. "How's school?" She asked me. "Fine I guess." I said to her. Jessica held my hand. "Is it that ass?" "I don't wanna talk about him right-"


I check my phone to see a message.

Him; y/n are you okay? Why weren't you talking to me?
-When you get this message please text me back. Or call me.
-I'm so worried about you babe.

I showed the texts to Jessica. "Tch, now you're his babe? Fuck him y/n. This guy obviously needs a personality and reality check." I nodded in agreement. "For the three days you stayed away not once did he call to check up on you or even stop by? No."

"You're right Jessy." "I know." Kim and Suigetsu walked in and sat opposite us. "Hey girls~" Kim winked. "Hi~" I replied for the both of us. Suigetsu picked up the menu. "I'd like a side of y/n." He flirted with me. I smirked. "Is the Suigetsu special expensive?" He picked my hand up kissing it.

"For you, it's free darling~" I giggle pulling my hand back. "Let's order!" Jessica ordered for us all and we sat together again. "So any news?" Kim asked me. "Neji." I showed them the messages.

"Hey has some nerve!" Suigetsu called. "Number 21." "I know right!" Kim shook his head. "Now can I kill em?" "No. Neji has to feel bad. He must beg. Treat me better!"

Jessica nodded. "I totally agree! Meanwhile, let's make him jealous." I frowned. "That's what started this whole thing Jess." She took out her phone and grabbed my head giving me a deep kiss.

I was too shock to react. Jessica snapped the photo and posted it. "Hashtag besties!" "Jessica!" Suigetsu and Kim stared at us both. Their cheeks red. "Lesbianism. Damn that was hot." Suigetsu drooled.

"Number 24!" I tapped Kim on his hand. "Go get our food." We ate lunch at last. When I was done I thanked them for the food and we all hugged.

"Sleepover at my house Friday. Don't forget y/n!" Jessica told me. "I won't!" I got back on my bike and rode to school. I parked my bike and jumped off running into school. The halls were empty. "Damn!" I cursed in annoyance.

My next class was with Kakashi-sensei. English. The hall monitor walked over to me when I tried to hide in a locker or anywhere else! "Nice to see you again y/n." He told me.

"Konohamaru." The brat smirked. "Detention." I groaned collecting my paper and stomping off to detention.

"I'm your teacher in charge of detention, Mei Tsūmi. Call me Ms. Mei~" I rolled my eyes. She had shoulder length red hair. A pair of beautiful blue eyes. Her lips were plump. She wore a tight blue dress, gold strings on it.

"Who are you?" She asked me. "Y/n L/n." "Take a seat next to Naruto Uzumaki." I looked around confused. "The blonde cutie pie with whiskers." I spotted him. He sat to the back of the class. I sat next to him and Mei-sensei continued to talk. "I'll be back later my cutie pies!" She blew us a kiss, then left.

"You're Naruto huh?" I asked. "I see you hanging around...yah know. Neji." Naruto Uzumaki looked at me. His eyes were so gorgeous. I felt self conscious for a while. I don't know if it was eye liner or natural. "Are you wearing makeup?"

I asked. Naruto looked at me. A bright smile on his face. "Hey there you must be y/n!" Did he hear anything? Anything at all? "Yeah hi." "This isn't makeup! I'm naturally gorgeous."

I laughed a bit. "Alright Naruto." I have strong feelings that I'll be great friends with Naruto.

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