Just a Note

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First off I'm sorry that I'm making an authors note I actually never thought I would make one cause I don't usually read them in stories but I feel like it's necessary.

To start I'm sorry that I haven't posted in over two weeks I was out of town and literally had no time to write a chapter with a coherent plot to it and I like for my chapters to at least have that for you guys.

Also, I've been noticing a lot more comments recently and I finally feel like there's enough of you here to maybe ask for suggestions so if you have a suggestion feel free to comment on any chapter anywhere and I will try to write it to the best of my ability.

There was one person who commented about the Area 51 meme and I will admit that I tried to write the beginnings of a chapter related to that but it just turned out like crap so I didn't continue with it.

At the moment I have a lot of drafts that all have under 100 words and I just don't feel very inspired to write any off them. None of them are clicking in my brain and creating a story and for the majority of my other chapters they've all been pretty easy to knock out quickly. Hopefully I can find some inspiration somewhere, somehow and I can get a new chapter out soon.

I also want to thank you guys all for the support you've given me. When I'm writing this I have just over 200 votes and around 6k read which is honestly insane. I was hyped when people started to read these stories and there was just around 20-ish of you guys so the fact there are so many of you now makes me so excited to release good chapters so that you will enjoy them.


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