the meeting chapter 3

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Art is actually mine hope you like it. And the story too lol.

Warnings- biting, venom, and no frends

    Deceit slowly slithered through the grass eyes on his target. A green man, looked to be a bit insane. No one would miss him.  He thought to himself as he climbed a rock. Before he could discreetly bite, the man saw him and pounce at him. In this situation he felt like the prey... Maybe he was. His hunger was getting the best of him. He slithered away from the man's arms and found his ankle. "I'm truly not sorry... Sorry" and he piereced the skin with his two sharp canines. Injecting the poison with it. He went back feeling full and tired. That man exhausted almost all of deceit's power. His eyes squinted when he saw the man get back up and jump around happily. Deceit's curiosity got the best of him.
"Who are you?" Deceit asked the man in green.
"Remus. The pleasures all mine!" Remus danced. "You?"
"Uh..." He's never had human interaction in so long he was surprised he was talking at all. "Uhm d-deceit..." He looked to the side.
"OoooooOOO" Remus cooed. "So. Why'd ya bite me?" He asked puzzled.
"I wasn't hungry..." Deceit looked down noticing the lie he made.
Remus cocked his head to the side like a confused dog.
"I don't speak in lies... I wasn-" deceit chose not to tell him about this curse.
Remus on the other hand wasn't sure if this was all in his head or not. He was bit by a pretty snake and it was talking to him through lies. But he knew that this was a chance to make a friend. He jumped at that thought and held it tight. He missed having friends. Even though his first time was only for a day.
"Oh that's cool!!" Remus finally decided on.
Deceit nodded. "Oh I better get home quick goodbye Remus!"
"Bye bye small fella- haha I mean deceit!!" Remus couldn't stop laughing "small fella- HAH!!" Both left this meeting with a good feeling in their chest.
     They continued to meet up unexpectedly. Deceit would go out for his usual dinner and bump into Remus. Everytime he eventually decided to bite Remus. But before he did so. Every fiber in his being told him to starve. He didn't want something to go wrong and Remus die in front of him. He was the only human that talked to him.
"Haha just bite slimy!" Remus joked using an obvious nickname.
"D-don't Sh-shut up stinky!" Deceit smirked but still hesitant on the biting part.
"GASP. Did you just call me stinky?" Remus pretended to be offended.
"You didn't call me slimy!" Deceit added.
Remus shrugged it off and laughed. "You're funny. Now come on if you don't bit you will starve and I'm like the best food for you. I don't die hah!"
"Why isnt it that you die?" Deceit asked confusingly.
"Well... I don't know" he shrugged.
Deceit gave him a confused look but walked back to what's happening in front of him. Remus was sitting on a dumpster criss cross, with his hand behind his head. This had been there third time meeting and Remus is now insisting that Deciet bites him so no one can die. He also stated a few minutes ago that he could bite wherever. In the three nights of seeing each other deceit flustered at that thought knowing he was a horny man. Deciet was just a simple snake though. And it would be easier to bit the legs or arms. And so he slithered up the dumpster. He then opened his mouth exposing his fangs and they peirced through Remus' soft yet grimy texture of skin. Remus' blood tasted really good for some reason. But deceit could only have a sample. Sure the venom couldn't kill Remus but if his blood was all drained then that would be a story to tell. Remus laughed for a little while for almost no reason but to be happy. And deceit he chuckled at Remus who was being really stupid.
"Until we meet again oh slimy boi!" Remus chuckled as Deciet slithered away.
"Different to you stinky man!" Deceit chuckled that he was a boy even though he was technically 23. I wonder how old Remus was? Deceit thought to himself.

AN:They are both 23

They both found a friend (if you could call it that), finally someone who took the time to understand them. Let's just say they were excited for the next night.

Uhm so I hope you liked it this story is really growing on me and I'm so excited to write some parts. Thanks for reading bye! 799 words new record! Sorry if it's long.

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