Chapter 10- unexpected friend

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Sorry for no Valentine's day update but I think you guys will like this more. At least I hope :))

Warnings: blushing every where, spookyness, creepy crawly death dealers, the B word (not the curse)

Remus sat by the village's lake leaning his head against a cold stone wall. The whispy air ran through his hair and passed the moon. He couldn't wait for tomorrow night when he'd see deceit again. He had to admit he never felt Lonliness before. I mean he was alone for most of his life, but it never hit him until he met deceit. Remus thought for a moment. Closing his eyes and seeing Deceit. Then his dream came bouncing back at him. His face burned and red flooded his cheeks. He ran to the lake splashing the water in his face. Other things popped into remus' head. His mind was spinning around. His fantasies ran wild in his head.
Until it all stopped. He felt a chill run down his spine. He looked behind him but saw no one. He shivered for a bit. Remus looked up at the full moon. There was still so much night left. He got up and dusted his trousers. He looked around the village as the lanterns were slowly being put out. He noticed the hotel for visitors was still open. He looked in his pockets. He had found a couple copper coins in the dumpster maybe it would get him somewhere. He headed up to the hotel. The cold chill only getting thicker.
Meanwhile at the bakery, Roman sat on the couch in the living room while Logan started to get ready for bed. "Where could he have gone!?" Roman panicked.
"Doesn't he usually run off during full moons anyway I'm sure it's fine." Logan replied while he took off his robe, getting ready for bed.
"Yeah... I know but I'm his boyfriend he should tell me these things!" Roman busted out.
Patton smiled running into the living room with a hot tea. "I'm sure everything will be alright. Virge can take care of himself, if you worry too much about him you'll start growing gray hairs. And we wouldn't want that?" Patton smiled. But he couldn't hide that he was worried too.
Roman took the hint and tried to relax a bit.
"You can stay here for the night if your that worried." Patton offered. "You can sleep on the couch!"
"That. That would be pleasant Patton." Roman grabbed the tea and curled up in a blanket. He had bags under his eyes. You could really see his worry.
"Wait don't I usually sleep on the couch?" Logan questioned.
"Yeah you can just sleep in my room it's not like we haven't been living together for 2 years!" Patton joked.
Logan nodded. But a hint of blush did apear on his face.
"Oh yeah still got it!" Roman exclaimed as he caught a falling vase from smashing on the floor.
"How did that even tip over it was in the middle of the table, and there's no wind?" Patton questioned. "Maybe it's... Do we have... CREEPY CRAWLEY DEATH DEALERS ARE IN THE HOUSE!!" Patton screeched.
Logan chuckled a bit. "Uhh no we are fine see no spiders." Logan emphasized 'spiders' so Patton knew the correct term.
Remus stepped into the warm hotel, though he still felt a chill. He ran up to the lady at the desk. "Can I please have a room." He pleaded. Remus put the 5 copper coins on the table.
"That isn't enough." She just stated simply in a southern tone.
"I know but can you make an exception just this once??" Remus begged. Now you might be wondering why does he want a hotel isn't he used to the streets and the dumpsters. Yes. But something came over him this night. He wanted to smell nice. Maybe it was because he was dirty, or maybe because he was super tired of people disturbing him in his sleep. Or just possibly the thought of tomorrow night made him want to feel his best.
The lady stared down at the table then at Remus. "No."
Remus looked around for anything but when he turned back around there sat two silver coins.
"Where did those come fr- ya know what nevermind" the lady spoke taking the money and giving him the key. "4th room on the right."
Remus took the key and headed to his room. He was going to question what had just happened with the money but he was too tired. The second his head hit the soft green sheets he was out cold. This was the best sleep he had gotten in ages. The last thought he had before sleep overcame him was "I wish deceit could be here for this."
Remus awoke as the sun was rising. He took a warm shower, the first in a long time. And ran out the door. He thanked a whatever mystical being gave him the money for this place and  walked to his dumpster.
Virgil sat in an alley way next to the hotel his robe's good up as he leaned against the wall. He sighed as his gray eyes slowly colored themselves back to purple. And then he smiled. "That was fun." He admitted. Heading back to the bakery.

Woooooooo I really hope you guys liked this chapter cuz I really enjoyed making it. Don't worry more shippy stuff will happen I'm just a sucker for slow burns sorry :))). Have a nice day!!
922 words.

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