Chapter 12- curses????

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Don't worry this isn't an April's fool's joke I'm just posting it on this day lol. Also the photo above is drawn by me. It's for a comic I'm going to writing so :)))

Warnings: prinxiety being canon, peepee word, mentions of blood and biting

The bright sun beamed on emailed face as he ran through the town square. "Uh excuse me ma'am?" He got no response. "Uh sir?" A red head turned around. "Do you know anything about the snake curse that resides here?" Emile spattered.
The red head quickly disappeared in the crowd. Is everyone really afraid of this curse! Emile thought to himself.
He then thought of another approach. Emile walked into the small tavern nearby.
"Barkeep!" A man with a mustache and dirty clothes spoke.
Emile quickly recognized him. "Hey you're that person who directed me to the dumpster!" Emile tried sounding intimidating.
"Ah and you're the sucker that fell for it HAH!!" Remus was clearly intoxicated.
"I- wait maybe you will tell me..." Emile paused to think. "Hey have you heard of the snake curse?" Emile proposed.
"Uhhh why would I tell you?" Remus slurred. "Did you know that snakes have two d#cks!!" Remus spoke up immediately and very loud making everyone look at them.
"Wait you're Remus get out of here!" One man yelled. And others chanted.
"Well I guess my times up! Good luck with that curse!" Remus slurred while wobbling out the door.
"HEY YOU DIDN'T P-" the angry barkeep was cut off by Emile putting 20 gold coins in the counter and following Remus. The barkeep grabbing the money and holding it's treasures tightly.
"Wait up!" Emile tried.
Remus turned around squinting. "Grandpa?"
"I- nevermind. I'm Emile I'm researching curses as my job! And you?" Emile spoke clearly, almost as if speaking was his job.
Remus sighed. "I'm Remus..." He paused. "I uh live in that dumpster. The one I directed you to. Anyways I've got some racoons catching to do." He smiled widely with a fork in hand before he jumped into the dumpster.
"What a strange dude." Emile muttered as he went to the farmers market for more people to question.

Meanwhile Roman and Virgil were in the shopping center. "Look at this it has STARS!!" Roman exclaimed holding up a mirror. "And it has a magnificently gorgeous man trapped inside. Don't worry I will save you!" Roman unsheaved his sword.
"Stop talking to yourself in the mirror... And would you put that away your attracting attention. Just because you aren't a knight in training anymore." Virgil tightened his cloak.
Roman sighed. "Yes I had to leave but only because I found a face fairer than mine!" He graciously pointed to Virgil.
"We both know you don't really mean that." Virgil joked.
"I- okay you got me there, buuuuut one must be very fair to attract a catch like me!" Roman boasted.
"Okay enough let's head to the farmers market quickly." Virgil laughed.
"Why are we out again?"
Virgil sighed. "We need to get sugar for Patton, he's running low."
"Oh yeah!"
As they appeared in the market they saw a tired man with spectacles.  "Uh hey do you know anything about curses?" Emile asked Roman.
Virgil immediately snuck behind Roman clutching tightly at the word. Romans eyebrows raised in shock.
"No I'm sorry kind sir." Roman spoke.
"Does-" Emile stopped himself at the note of the poor man shivering. He wanted to put everything down and help. But he wasn't needed here.
"Oh sorry for the inconvenience, have fun on your date!" Emile added dipping out.
Roman scratched the back of his head. "Do we really look like a normal couple?" He spoke sarcastically.
"Nope." Virgil blatantly spoke.
There was a pause and then they both started laughing.
"Okay but seriously we need this sugar before Patton kills us." Virgil smiled.

On the other side of the village, a cloaked man ran up to the bakery. Logan heard a knock at the door while playing solitaire. "I'll get it Patton." Logan yelled over the counter where Patton was preparing bread.
Logan opened the door to a disheveled deceit.
"Logan who is it?" Patton called.
"The half snake man." Logan stated blankly.
"Deceit?!" Patton jumped over the counter to usher deceit in. "You know how bad it might be if someone sees you here?" Patton questioned his voice drowned in worry.
"I know but I just had to know something. Remus trusts you, so I trust you. I don't know if you know more about my curse than I do. But last night when I transformed and ya know." He paused. "Drank blood. My eyes turned red and I drank a little too much." Deceit spoke fearful.
"Don't you kill those who you drink blood from because of your venom?" Logan added.
"Now that you mention it there hasn't been a dead body in the past month" Patton replied.
"I found someone who might be a immune to my bites. He doesn't die but last night my eyes, well the glowed red and I drank a lot." Deceit paused. "I almost killed him." His eyebrows raised.
"We would love to tell you anything but we only know as much as you maybe even less." Logan spoke up.
Deceit sighed.
"But we do know someone. But you have to be careful. He isn't a bad person. He's the best friend I've ever had, but he works for bad people. He might know about these red eyes." Patton spoke clearly. He didn't seem like he was joking around anymore.
Logan backed up a bit surprised by Patton's authority. Logan blushed a bit catching a card that flew off the table before anyone noticed.
"What's his name?" Deceit asked.
"Emile Picani." Patton spoke clearly.
"Anyways back to bread!!" Patton jumped over the counter and started playing with the dough like a child.
Logan sighed. "Can't even be serious for a minute until child mode is turned on- what are you even? HEY YOU'RE GONNA START A FIRE!" Logan ran after Patton through the bakery.

Hi guys I really hoped you like this chapter! I had tons of fun making it!
1013 words
Okay so I'm going to use this space to talk about something that has been everywhere. You can skip this if you'd like!  But the covid-19 virus is spreading fast. So I hope you are all staying safe. Uh this video talks about what might happen on April 7th. Thanks Sean! okay now go have fun I'll try posting again so you won't be bored if your quarentined bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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