mr. popular's + both

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SUMMARY: ethan and grayson dolan are the most popular guys in school. you never pay attention to them because you dont wanna get involved with their popularity and....girls. they always have a new girl, which you find annoying. but they then knock on your door on a Saturday night...

WARNINGS: cursing, spanking, threesome, rough sex, blowjob


you just finished tidying up your house because you were bored and didnt know what to do. it's a Saturday night and all your friends are busy, so you just stayed home alone watching movies and cleaning.

a heavy sigh left your mouth, putting your hands on your hips as you didnt know what to do

5 harsh knocks boomed through your house causing you to jump.  your head snapped to the front door

slowly, you walked towards it and hesitated about opening it

its probably just your friends

you opened the door, your eyes widened when you saw 2 guys you least expected

"what the hell are you guys doing here?" your eyebrows narrowed in confusion.

"woah woah woah, calm down princess. we just wanted to come over and talk to you" ethan smirked

"talk about what? you two have never once talked to me" you shook your head like they were stupid

"well now we are. can we please come in?"

'I mean, what's the worst that could happen? I know they wont hurt me, I mean maybe emotionally but not physically' you thought

"sure, fuck it, come in" you opened the door more, them stepping into your house

grayson grabbed the door, slamming it and locking it. smirking down at you

"w-why'd you lock it?" your voice became shakey. "calm down, I'm just messing with you" he playfully rolled his eyes and looked away

a weight seemed to be lifted off your shoulders

"nice place" ethan looked around, a grin plastered on his lips

"nice face and body. you're hot" grayson kept the smirk, heat soon rising in your cheeks

"so why'd you come over, exactly?"

"to be honest princess, we wanna have sex. and grayson and I have been looking at you for a while. we're not gonna take advantage of you, we just wanna have you as a friends with benefits kinda way." ethan shrugged

you were completely caught off guard, the twins could have any girl in the school and they

"what's in it for me, besides pleasure?"

"we'll pay you. $50 per fuck" grayson suggested. "that much? damn. okay I'm in" you shrugged

"are you a virgin?" ethan blurted, eyes pinning down yours. "no." you lied.

there is nothing wrong with being a virgin, you just didnt want them to know you are for some reason

"let's go upstairs" grayson gently grabbed your hands, starting to lead you to the stairs

you all walked up them, grayson in front of you and ethan behind you

once you reached your bedroom and all walked inside, gray grabbed you and threw you on your bed.

they stood staring at you, them whispering to eachother

since you already knew what was going to happen, you started to take off your clothes, throwing them off the bed

"fuck" the twins said in unison when they looked at you. you sucked in your bottom lip from nervousness. you've never been fucked before, and loosing your virginity from a threesome seems...intense

they both walked to the bed, ethan laying down beside you. grayson grabbed your hips and turned you over. your face in front of ethans clothes crotch.

"undress me, baby" he demanded. your smooth delicate hands grabbed onto the bottom and ethans shirt, pulling it over his head an tossing it across the room as well as his pants

his huge bulge looked like a hill in his red Tommy Hilfiger boxers. you grabbed the waistband and pulled them down, his dick popping up and hitting his stomach

"holy shit" you whispered at his size, a smirk forming on e's face. you felt grayson grab your hips from the back, his member sliding into you

"oh my gosh" you moaned loudly. your hands grabbing ethans hard, starting to pump your hands up and down

he threw his head back from pleasure. his jaw dropping a little as his eyes closed

grayson started to thrust faster causing your thighs to start shaking. "fuck grayson, yes!" you whimpered, your head falling down.

he started to kiss your shoulder, going to your neck. "suck him off" grayson whispered, you nodded your head and wrapped your lips around ethans tip

you sucked in your cheeks, slowly bobbing your head. a moan slipped causing vibrations to fill ethans body. "oh yes, y/n! fuck yes!" Ethan made a makeshift ponytail in your hair and pushed your head down, feeling his long length go down your throat. luckily you didn't have a gag reflex

the tip of your nose touched his v-line until your head went back up. "fuck, that was sexy" he smirked

"oh my gosh" you heard grayson grunt from the back, moans fell upon your lips as you pumped your hand up and down ethans cock

"I'm close" you squealed, soon releasing on graysons dick. you felt his cum shoot up in you and ethans go on your hand



guys this was horrible, I'm never writing a three some again lol. this was ass im sorry

next one will be good I promise, I just suck at writing threesomes. and sorry I haven't wrote in a while, I needed a break cuz' a lots been going on

anyway, question of the day:

who is your favorite Kardashian/ Jenner?

my answer:

kylie because I just fucking love her. I wont make this a while paragraph 🦋❤

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