im sorry

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hey guys, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for being MIA. sooo much is going on in my life rn and I've been going through a lot ngl. if you have seen my message board, I'm going through a break up right now and it hit really horribly. and no, it's not his fault, well kinda.  I've never known how it feels like to be in love until I was with him. I always read these stories on here where they're in love and I never understood and thought it was bullshit. but now I know what it's like. I've never ever felt genuinely happy with someone until I was with him and hung out with him. and dont say hes an asshole or anything because he was the complete opposite of that. he was the nicest person I knew and was with me through all my hard times. I'm just saying all this because I want to say sorry for being unactive and be careful with love because you will do the dumbest things once they break your heart.

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