same ole same ole

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killa K: since cash Didn't Want to chance It, We both decided That I should Be the One to Come back to Philly and continue on With Our plan. Nobody expected It From Me nobody knew cash Was My husband. So this was a piece of cake.Two weeks In the states two weeks In the republic I Did the Back and forth thing Cause I Didn't Want nobody to Start getting suspicious. With meek Not being the game I Had to find another Come Up which Was mark and He Was As easy As I Thought. It Didn't Take Much but a shot Of This pussy until He felled addicted Had Him taking Out Of His Family account every month sending 50k to My husband every month I Wasn't Out here to catch feelings I Was Out here to handle business but I couldn't lie and Say I Didn't Have feelings For mark I Did but cash Would kill the both Of Us. That's Why I Was Trying to Have only a business type Of thing With Him but mark wasn't having It. He Was running In Me every chance He saw Me and I Didn't stop Him Cause He could put It down When It came to the bedroom.. I was waiting on him to come he should of been here by now. Just as I tbought it was a knock on the door I smiled and got up I open my robe revealing my nude perfect body I wasted no time opening the door but it was far who I suspected. Surprise! Detective Romney said with a smirk I thought he was far away from Philly but I guess not. I closed my robe as he walk in. What do u want I thought u was far away from Philly I said rolling my eyes. Took a vacation but I'm back what u not happy to see me he said pulling me close. How did u find me why are u here? Me and Romney had an old fling years ago once leaving to the republics we lost contact so I'm surprise he found me. I'm here cause I have some unfinished business.. okay what that got to do with Me I said. Alot he said. Look Romney I don't know what u talking about. Krissy it's me u talking too I know all your secrets I know your conniving ways. That was the old me I'm different now I said. Bullshit krissy Romney said. Okay Romney u right I'm up to something I said. He smirk again. Just like I thought what is it?

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