Chapter Two: Punishment

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WARNING injuries, losing limbs

Estonias POV
I've been worried about Ukraine, he has had this dream too many times, but he says he's fine. I go into the main house while Ukraine gets clothes on. "ESTONIA LEAVE BEFORE HE SEES YOU!" I heard my Foster brother Lithuania call. I was confused why he wanted me to leave but when I heard someone else shout me I knew I was in trouble. "Estonia, you and Ukraine have a lot of explaining to do." Soivet said from the top of the stairs. I hoped Lithuania would help me but when I looked for him he was hiding with the others, thanks for being a good friend Lithuania. "I got told that you two where leaving the house to see a British colony." he asked me. There was rule that we weren't aloud to get along with the British colonies because of what America had done to us, but me and Ukraine be the disobedient ones we went out and made friends with Canada, it wasn't even our fault, Germany wanted us to meet someone and it was her, (Yes My Canada Is A Girl) so soivet don't blame us. "We did meet canada but it was because Germany wanted us to meet." I told him, but then I realised Ukraine was listening.
"Soivet it wasn't Estonias fault, when we met canada, Estonia wanted to leave so I forced her to stay, and then told her that she had to come with me everytime we met up with her, just because I didn't want to be alone." he said.
I was shocked, he was lieing just to keep me safe, I was good friends with canada as well but he just had to do that.
" Is this true estonia?" Soivet asked for proof, he always needs proof. I didn't want to hurt Ukraine's feelings because he hates when me and Belarus get punished so I just nodded.
"Alright, Estonia, for a couple of nights you will be sharing a room with Latvia, I have some business to do with Ukraine."
Uh oh.
What ever the punishment is, it is going to be bad.

Ukraine's POV
I shouldn't have done that.
After everyone else went for breakfast soivet dragged me to the outbuilding.
"You really messed up this time Ukraine, first you befriend a British colony and then force estonia to go with you," he said mad, but when he looked at what I was working on his frown turned to smile, "Since you've been doing all this medical research, you know about prosthetics right."
I had been researching medication, and I recently built a prosthetic leg.
"Uh yes, I built a prosthetic left leg." I said nervously.
Soivet just smiled, he went outside for a minute and when he came back he had brought back his pig axe. That's when I knew what he was doing.
I tried to run but he grabbed my leg and forced me to the ground.
"Just stay still, this will only take a moment." he said before slamming the axe into my left leg.
All I could feel was pain all through my body and the tears running down my face.
He took another swing into my leg and was done. "have fun healing that Ukraine."

Soivets POV
I went back in the house and washed the blood off my hands. I went to the library we have in our house and found a book that looks interesting. "History of the Belarusian and Ukrainian family, it would be nice to know what thier families are like."
After I read a bit of the book and found a part that about how one person from each family fell in love and had two children. I wondered who those children would be and luckily for me they where on the next page, but I did not believe the result. "their two children Ukraine and Belarus stayed very close to each other, but sadly when Ukraine was three and Belarus two they saw their parents death, it is now said that both of them are now in the soivet Union." I read aloud. So all this time, they where siblings and no one knew. In fact change that cause it says that a friend was there called Estonia, so one person knew. But I just cut Ukraine's leg off, he might be dead and I could have hurt Belarus' feelings.
"What have I done."

Estonias POV
At night Latvia was hugging and comforting me a lot. Then there was a random knock on our door. "It's probably Lithuania scared again, he comes here at night a lot." Latvia said getting up and heading for the door. When she opened it she saw Belarus and Georgia standing there. "Hi Latvia I want to ask estonia if she wants to come with me somewhere." Belarus asked. Latvia looked me for and answer, but all it did was nod and walked with Belarus while Georgia stayed with Latvia. "So where are we going Belarus." I asked her nicely. She didn't answer and just kept walking till we got to the back door. "You have keys to the outbuilding, don't you." she asked and it also answered my question. Why did she want to see Ukraine though, me and him both thought she hated us. Then I realised I still haven't answered so I just gave her the keys. We walked out to the outbuilding but Belarus didn't open the door straight away. "Sorry if I'm taking a while I'm just worried for my brother." she told me, but Hay at least you have a brother, I would have if he wasn't a stillborn and my mother didn't die during labour. We went in and I noticed that Ukraine's prosthetic leg he made was missing.
I suddenly heard Belarus crying while Ukraine was talking to her. I looked round the corner and saw Ukraine using the prosthetic leg himself.

"I'm fine Estonia, just missing a leg that's all."

1004 words this time and I just want to hug Ukraine now, why do I do this to you Ukraine 🇺🇦

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