Chapter Ten: Alone

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Warning: Murder, swears, ship and suicide references

Russia's POV
I called up Germany and he said he would be here soon to pick Ukraine up. I look over to where Ukraine was- Wait, WHERE IS HE, OH NO! "Russia, I'm sorry, I should have stopped him from doing that to you, and now Belarus wants to move because she thinks I'm too dangerous." Ukraine laughs, he was looking out the window that showed the outbuilding he used to stay in. He starts to cry, I can tell he just wants his sister to love him the same way he loves her. I take his hand and start to drag him away from the window. "You should go downstairs, Germany will be here soon." I tell him. He nods and heads down. I look behind me to see an annoyed Belarus. "When did you become all nicy nicy with, him?" she asked me. Something bad must have happened out that room, she doesn't even want to say his name. "All he did was apologise, and said how you want to move because he's so called Dangerous." I told her with a straight face. She didn't look angry but she looked... Happy, but, why? "I went into your room and found a book, I started to read it and I saw something interesting." she told me, but I don't have any books in my room. Except. SHIT SHE FOUND MY DIARY! SO NOW SHE KNOW'S MY SECRET ABOUT MY CRUSH ON HER. SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT AND SSSSHHHHIIIIITTTT! She come to wards me with a smirk on her face, I was blushing like hell, and I knew she could tell. Our faces are now inches apart, I can't stop sweating. Belarus connects our lips into a passionate kiss, I kiss back filled with joy that she feels the same way. We break the kiss, we look into each others eyes. "Ukraine's gonna kill me for doing that." she tells me. We both laughed knowing that it it would end up a little like that. We hear some clapping from behind bela, we look and see Kaz and Estonia, both with big smiles on their faces.

"Good job step bro." Says Kazakhstan.

"Never thought I'd see that from you bela." Estonia says.


I hear something going on upstairs, I would go up but I would probably make it worse. I see Germany waving but he's on the ground and HE HAS BLOOD ON HIS HANDS. I run out to him, hoping he's okay. "Ukraine, I'm not gonna make this." he tells me showing a stab wound and his cracking skin. "Ger, I can't lose you, your where one of my first friends." I cry, I don't want to lose him. He puts his hand on my face and smiles. "It would be better if I died, we both lost our parents when we were young, but you still have your sister, all my family is dead, s- GAH!" He screams looking down to see his legs are missing. "Goodbye Ukraine."


He fades to dust, in my arms, I lost my second ever friend. "Shouldn't you be home with your friend now." Belarus says roughly while coming out the house with the others. Estonia comes over to me and looks at what I have in my hand. "Ukraine, w-what happened t-to Germany." She asked me. Kazakhstan, Russia and Bela come over as well.
"H-He's dead."

Kazakhstan flys me back home. "I'm sorry for the loss, I hope you can make it through, at least you can still see Canada and Estonia." he tells me. I thank him and head inside. My phone starts ringing, it's nada.

Me: Hello


Me: Are you okay, you sound upset

I heard about Germany, I'm sorry about that, and I he invited me to come pick you up as well but I said no, so if I came with him that wouldn't have happened so I'm sorry and-: Canada

Me: Nada, don't blame yourself, if you went it might have been both of you, and if you died it would dreadful for your family

Yeah you're right, Sorry again: Canada

Me: I have to go now bye nada

Bye Ukraine: Canada

I hang up and head to Germany's room, I place his glasses on the pillow on his bed. "I'm sorry friend, I hope you can rest peacefully, I will miss all the fun times I had with you, and God I hope you let his soul be at peace, and have him live happily with you in heaven, Amen." I pray for my dead friend, not just because I'm a Christian, because of his family history. I leave the room and lock the door, put up a paper sign saying 'Do Not Unlock Door, If You Do, I Say That You Have Sinned.' I head to my room and get changed into my sleepwear but I don't sleep, I cry my eyes out, hoping that my suffering would end once and for all. "Guess a child can only really keep one promise through their life." A voice says. I look up to see my mother with wings and a halo. "I tried to keep the promise bu-" "No need to explain, I saw the whole thing, but I thought your sister would change her mind when your friend died, speaking of him, he liked your prayer." I started speaking but she interrupted me. I was happy he heard it, and I'm glad he's okay. "Now I have to know about this depression you have, so what gave you depression?" she asked me. It was a hard topic to talk to someone about, but this was my mother, so it should be easy, easier. "It started when you died, but as I grew it became worse, I had nightmares about that day, I-I thought that suicide could stop it but I knew t-that it would make things worse as well." I confessed, with tears forming in my eyes. "But, what made you think suicide would stop it?" she asked, almost crying as well. I took some deep breaths to calm down a bit and then answered her by saying, "I thought it would stop because I would be with you, aunt, uncle, father, and now Germany." I can't stop crying now, I just want to stick a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger. My Mother hugs me and keeps whispering that everything is going to be alright.
After an hour or two she tells me she has to go, I give her one last hug and let her leave.
I feel alone now.
I am alone.
I want my sister.

1131 words, Also I AM SORRY THAT I KILLED OFF GERMANY, IT WAS ONE OF MY FIRST IDEAS IN THE PLOT, I'M SORRY! (I am not a stereotypical Canadian)

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