Chapter Twelve: Not Again

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Ukraine's POV
I wake up to hearing a knock on the door, did I fall asleep on the couch, I must have or I wouldn't have heard the knock. I put on my hoodie because I fell asleep shirtless. I go answer the door and I see Canada and Estonia. "Hi guys how are-" before I could finish Estonia grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeves, seeing the cuts I had put there.

I pull my arm back from her grasp, she didn't look happy and Canada was shocked. "I thought you were doing that, it's why you shut us out." Estonia shouted at me. I felt ashamed in myself for shutting them out, but I deserve these cuts, Germany's dead because of me, and that needs punishment. "Estonia there must be a reason why he cut himself, is there Ukraine?" Canada asked me. I reply with a nod, I then invited them inside.

"The reason I did that was because, the person who killed Ger was the same person who killed my family, and their goal is to make me and my sister suffer with sadness, so it's my fault Germany's dead." I explained. They couldn't believe it, especially Estonia since she was there when my family died. Canada looked out the window, trying to take all this in. Suddenly she shouted,"WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS ROOM!" Me and Estonia looked confused, then the window broke and multiple bullets were shot at us. None hit us and we got out the room easily. "I guess that's him wanting to kill me or Nada." Estonia asked. I nod in response looking around, where did Canada go, did they get her. "Guys Upstairs." Canada calls from the stairs. I get halfway up and hear another gunshot I look down and see Estonia at the bottom of the stairs with a wound on her heart. The guy leaves as quick as he came and I head to Estonia. "CANADA COME DOWN, ESTONIA'S HURT!" I shout and Nada runs down.

Estonia looks at her hand and starts cracking. "Guess it's my turn to go." she says with tears in her eyes. She hugs me and keeps saying 'I don't want to die' over and over. "Estonia, we won't forget you, you or Germany." Canada says trying her best to calm Eesti down. Half of her body is missing she knows it will be over soon. "I'll tell ger that you two are okay." She says before fading into dust. I still can't believe this, first Germany now Estonia, I don't know what I'd do if I loose Nada as well. "What's that?" says Canada pointing at a small piece of paper. I pick it up and see a hand drawn picture Estonia drew when we were kids.

"You two were close, I'm sorry that you had to go through that." Nada told me. I sighed and went upstairs, knowing I need to bela about this.

What do you want bro: Sis

Me: Bela something happened today that you need to know

Fine, just make it quick: Sis

Me: I had Canada and Estonia over, and someone broke in, th-they killed Estonia

Belarus goes silent and I could hear Russia and Kaz asking her if she's alright. I hear a falling sound from the other side of the line, then someone takes the phone.


It was Russia
Me: Rus all I told her was that someone killed Estonia, I had to tell her

We'll call you back: Sis

He hung up the phone. Why does this happen to me.

"Come on slow pok, I'll race you." She says. We run to the park while her father walks with my sister. "I won." she laughs, I laugh with her of course she's my best friend. "Can I play with you two?" my sister asked. "Sure thing, let's play at the pirate ship, you can be the captain." She says to my sister. We all go and have a fun time playing.

Canada's POV
I go home in the dark so I can hide some of the blood on me. I enter the house I share with my parents, aunt, uncle and cousins. I see my cousin New Zealand in the kitchen making himself a drink. mabye I can just sneak pa- "Nada your back." Zea says. Dang I thought I could make it, alright stay calm, Zea can keep a secret. "Wait, why do you have blood on you what happened?" He asked. I sigh knowing I'll end up in tears. "Please don't tell me another one of your friends got killed, if so the person doing this, they need to stop." He guessed. I nod and start crying, he comes over and sits me down on the couch. "I only have one left, I want him safe but I don't think he will be." I tell Zea. Australia comes down and sees me on the couch. "Is Nada Okay?" she asks. New Zealand gives her a death glare and she goes back upstairs. "how about you go and wash up and then go to bed." he suggested.

I finish washing up and go into the bedroom that I share with Australia. "Why are you still up Aus, don't you have a meeting tomorrow." I ask. She laughs and points to the clock, it's five minutes past one in the morning. "The meeting today, I'm just worried about you coming home late, you tell Zea but no one else in the family, could you please tell me what's wrong?" She wondered. I shook my head and said "I can tell who I want to tell, now get some sleep cus, I heard that meeting is four hours long." She rolled her eyes and went into bed then I to did the same.

980 words
ESTONIA IS DEAD, UKRAINE IS SAD AND I NEED A FILL IN TILL THE END. and Estonia will return as a ghost.

Separated yet soo close (CountryHumans story)[Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن