Chapter Fourteen: The Day Of Love And Death

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Canada's POV
I had gotten ready to go to Ukraine's house, hopefully to confess my feelings. I woke up in the middle of the night though and Zea had came home with blood on his hands, I'm worried for him. "Nada where ya going?" Australia asked me. I get my jacket and say to her, "To see the only friend I have." She nods and waves me goodbye.

I knock on the door hoping he was awake. The door opened and it was Reich who was there. "Ukraine's getting dressed, so I had to do something." She tells me. I then see Ukraine on the stairs wearing his usual clothes, brown trousers, his hoodie that has his flag design on it, but he had a picture stitched onto it, must be his coat of arms. "Hay Nada, how are you today?" He asks me. I give him a thumbs up and he smiles. "Nada, can I tell you something?" he asked shyly. I look at him confused wondering what he wants. "Sure, I'm here if you need to tell me anything." I say to him. He looks away for a moment but then says, "I don't know how to say this but.." next thing I know our lips connected into a soft kiss. I was shocked at first but then I slowly melted into the kiss. We pull apart and look right in each others eyes. I could see he was missing his grey spot. "I understand what you were trying to say." I tell him with a smile.
"Я тебе люблю Канаду." he says.
"Je t'aime aussi."

I went home early this time, and I really enjoyed my time with Ukraine. "Someone's home early this time." I hear Ame say as I came through the door. Aus and Zea look at me from the couch and smile, Zea then continued watching a movie and Aus came to talk to me.

"Night you two." Aus says as she heads up stairs. Me and Zea wave her goodnight then just sit in silence. "Zea, last night I saw you come home in the middle of the night, and you had blood on your hands, so I want to know if you are alright." I say to him. He looks at me with his mouth a gape. "I don't want to talk about it Nada, it's a hard subject to talk about." he tells me. He trys to get away but I grab him by the wrist. "Your not getting away that easy." I snarled and started pulling him upstairs. I knock on Ames door to wake him up, but I noticed Aus had woke up as well. He opened the door and looked shocked at how I was holding Zea by the wrist, and how Zea was crying. "Ame, he is hiding something bad, he came home last night with blood on his hands." I say in the rare serious voice. He looks at Zea who is trying to look innocent but he knows that I don't lie when my voice is like that. "Zea, explain!" he asked his brother. Zea didn't say anything, he seemed ashamed in himself, I wonder why. "NO, YOU ARE NOT!" Ame shouted with tears forming in his eyes. Zea nods in response. "What is he Bro?" Aus asked. Ame's breath was shaking and he struggled talking. But then Zea revealed his secret.
"I'm a Cannibal."

"I CAN'T BELIVE THIS ZEA, ALMOST ALL OF US TELL YOU OUR SECRETS, BUT YOU HIDE ONE THAT IS WORSE THAN THEM ALL!" Aus shouted, she never expected this from her little brother. "But if you're a cannibal, then how can you eat normal food?" Ame asked. Zea took a pill bottle out his pocket and showed it to us. "It stops me from craving all meats but I can handle animal meats." he explained. We sighed, Zea left the room and went upstairs.

"I'm scared now, what if his pills run down and we're the closest meat source." Aus said worryingly, she looked like she was going to cry. Ame went and hugged his sister, letting her cry into his shoulder. The TV was still on and the news came on. "This just in, a young man is at the top of a building threatening to jump and end his life." the news reader said. We didn't care about it until Britain came on in an Interview. "Look I don't have much time, that's my youngest son up there, and I don't want him to die, but the Police won't let me or my husband through." she said. We were shocked at this, Zea must had escaped from the window and made it all the way to the top of that building. "He took the car." Ame said pointing at the screen. "More on the suicide, a woman has joined the man and they are planning on jumping together, wait, what was that, sadly these two young people by the names of Papua New guinea and New Zealand have plumaged to their deaths, rescue services tried to save them but they tricked everyone by running to the other side and jumping."

I went to Ukraine's the next day, but I didn't have my usual smile on my face. I knocked on his door and it was already open. I went in and saw Ukraine sitting in the living room with his sister. They saw me, so I decided that I'll leave, but I got stopped. "Ukraine, I didn't mean to interrupt you an-" I was about to finish speaking but he then hugged me. "We heard about New Zealand's passing, we're sorry that happened." Belarus said. After Ukraine had finished hugging me I sat down next to Belarus. They had been looking at photographs of fun times. I picked up one particular photo, it was a picture of me, Ukraine, Estonia and Germany that day we went fishing on Gers boat, I fell off the boat into the lake but then we all ended up swimming. "You can keep that one if you like," Ukraine said, "We're going through old photos of us and the people who have passed." After a while of going through some pictures I found three more pictures I wanted to take. I was about to leave but Belarus stopped me. "I made this for your family as a memory of New Zealand, I thought it would help you guys remember, like how me and Ukraine both have lockets with our family on them." she says to me while handing me a picture frame. I thank her then leave.
1103 words

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