Chapter Thirteen: Grey

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Ukraine's POV
I couldn't leave the house, my best friend is dead. Estonia, why you, why Germany, why me. I look at myself in a mirror, I'm greying, loosing colour, shit. I've been waiting for a response from bela but I've got nothing yet, hopefully she replys to the messages that I sent her. It's been four days since Estonia died, Nada has her family to help her but I'm alone here in the german household. "It's different coming here and a Ukrainian is here instead of the usual German." A voice said to me. I turn around to see the Third Reich giving me a smile. I fall back in shock remembering what she did to soivet. "Don't worry I won't hurt you, your my brother's friend, and any friend of his is a friend of mine." She told me. I get up but still shaking from the fact she was here. "Why are you here to visit me?" I asked her. She pointed at the grey patch on my cheek. I placed my hand on it knowing its a problem. "Germs wanted me to help you cause heaveners can't visit greying countries." She tells me. Germs, weird nickname, wait, so that's why he didn't allow people to call him that, it reminded him of his sister. "What do you mean by heaveners?" I wondered. She sighed before answering with, "There are Heaveners and dwellers, Heaveners are in heaven, and dwellers are in hell, I'm a dweller, my brother's a Heavener, the only one in our family." She looks upset, I try to comfort her but someone pulls me off.

"Ukraine, don't touch her, she has curses on her." they said. It was Soivet, but why was he here, probably Estonia not trusting Germany's sister and asking Soivet. "Oh so he can't touch me but you can touch him, Mr I had a curse which made me have twelve children!" She shouted at him. Soivet puts me down and give her a 'Shut Up Look' I experienced that look a lot. "Soivet, leave her alone, Reich, what do you mean by help me?" I asked separating the soon to be fight. She sighed and gestured me to follow her. She lead me to Germany's room. "Am I aloud to go in?" She asked nicely. I nodded and unlocked the door. She went to one of his drawers, took out a picture and showed it to me. It had three children in it and a Woman, all three kids had the colours Germany had, the little boy must had been him. "The smaller girl is East, and the taller girl is me, but the important part is the woman, she was our mother, she died from greying, and Germs doesn't want you to be the same." she told me, showing who's who. Soivet tried to come in but Reich gave him a death glare. I looked at Gers bed, seeing his glasses on the pillow, I wonder if he still needs them, I still remember looking into his black eyes. "Can I tell you why I'm here?" Soivet shouted from the hallway. I sigh, not wanting to talk to Soivet, but I have to. I go into the hallway. "Why are you here Soivet?" I ask. Reich closes the room door and sits down on a chair next to desk. "I got sent here by a woman who looked like you, she was with a man who was white and had a red stripe across his face, she wanted me to help you as well." He explained. I was surprised to hear that my mother asked him, she knows he cut my leg off, mabye there was an argument first. "Do you know these people Ukraine?" Reich asked me. I was on the verge of tears, can I tell them who they are, no I can do this, be brave Ukraine. "They are my parents." I said. They both looked shocked, I wonder why.

Riech's POV
I died when I was a Thirteen, his parents had been there longer than me, me and him are around the same age. WHAT AGE WAS HE WHEN THEY DIED!

Soivet's POV
I knew his parents died when he was three but, I can't believe I got sent by his parents, no wonder the woman looked like him. Ukraine goes into a room and leaves me and Reich in the hall. "What age was he when his parents died?" Reich asked. I look at her knowing she would freak out. "He was, three years old." I told her.
"WHAT, WHEN MY PARENTS DIED I WAS AT LEAST FIVE YEARS OLD!" She shouted. But then I heard another scream, We look over at the staircase and see a country with three bands, two red and one white in the middle, and in the white band was an eleven pointed maple leaf.

Canada's POV
I had went to ukraine's, but the door was open, and when I went in and I saw USSR and Third Reich. I scream scared that they are here. Ukraine comes out his room to see what's wrong, but he has a grey patch. "NADA, HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE!" he shouted running over. I looked over at The two historic figures they looked a bit worried. "Your door was unlocked, are you okay, I think your greying?" I asked him, putting my hand on his face. He puts his hand on mine, he looks very upset, I hope he's okay. I also my cheeks are warm, am I blushing, I hope not. I'll confess, I had a crush on Germany, Estonia and Ukraine but now two of them are dead and I only have one choice to go for. "Hay Ukraine, can I talk to you?" Soivet asked. Ukraine nods and follows Soivet downstairs.

"You have a crush on him don't you." Reich said to me with a smirk. I was shocked how does she know. I nod in response. She smiled and started hugging me. "I support you two as a couple, and it's what Soivet is talking to him about, but the main thing is you might be able to stop his greying!" She exclaimed. I was confused how I could stop it, is it because I'm a nurse or just a random person can do it. "The reason why you can help is because greying is cause by sadness, love causes happiness, you love him, he loves you, NO MORE GREYING!" She said. How did she know I was confused, now I'm confused about how she did that. "My ability is reading minds." she said. Oh.

When I went back home, late, again, I saw all three of my cousins in the kitchen. "THERE SHE IS!" Ame shouted, pointing at me. I felt scared, did I do something wrong, what did I do. "Why do you keep coming home late?" Aus asked me. Great this talk, I guess before I came home they tried getting answers out of New Zealand. "Look I don't want to talk about this, and Ame keep your voice down in case our parents hear." I say slightly annoyed. I can't get too angry in case she takes control. "They're not here tonight and Ame can I talk to you." Australia said. Ame and Aus go over to the stairs, while Zea comes over to me. "Did anyone die today?" He whispered, worried about my mental health. I shake my head and he gives a sigh of relief, unfortunately the older two heard it.

"So when you go bad things happen and today it didn't happen." Aus theorised. I knew I had to explain but I don't think I can tell them that two of my friends died and I might be next. I look over at Ame and he looks shocked but wh- WAIT HE CAN READ MINDS I FORGOT! "Two of your friends are dead." he says sadly. I nod, I think I'm crying. All three of them give me a hug, just like when we were younger.

New Zealand's POV
I watch as my older siblings and cousin go upstairs. I stick on my shoes and go out for a walk. I've always known Nada's secrets, she doesn't trust Ame because he tells everyones secrets to us, and doesn't tell Aus because Australia is easy to bribe secrets out of, so she told me and I never told anyone. I head to pharmacy to get my prescription of pills. I have to take the pills because if I don't, I might go out at night and eat something, or someone. I am a cannibal, but I don't want people to be scared of me, so the pills help me control my hunger for meat. While I was walking back I felt my stomach ache, I'm Hungry, but I don't want to hurt someone. I bite my lip to draw out some blood, but it's not enough. I try to get my pills out but my hunger takes over me. I head into the wood towards the greyhead village. I see a greyhead woman dressed in black clothing heading into the woods. I put my mask and gloves on, then I sneak up behind her and pounce on top of her. She starts squirming trying to get out of my grasp. I stab her with my pocket knife and then get ready for a feast.

After I finished I head back home, I feel disgusted in myself but it just tastes so good. I go in and start washing myself off, none of the family knows about what I do, but, they would hate me if the did know. I should head to bed. I look in the room, Ame is asleep, I'll get changed and probably text Papua New Guinea, my cannibal friend.

1641 words
I do not thing people from New Zealand and Papua New guinea are cannibals, its just a headcannon.
I also drew a comic that inspired the last scene with New Zealand and the Greyhead

 I also drew a comic that inspired the last scene with New Zealand and the Greyhead

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I know its the wrong way round but I can't change it.

And I know my art on paper is bad

Okay now bai :3

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