Chapter 16

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Draco walked to the park, arm-in-arm with Harry. Most of the Wizarding World knew that Harry had decide to court someone, but no one knew who. As they walked in companionable silence, Draco reminisced on that day.

He had been at the table finishing his lunch when Harry had given him his Invisibility Cloak. He had said to wear it for the day while he gave an announcement to the paper. It was simple and to the point. That he'd be too busy courting someone to really be out and that they shouldn't worry if they didn't hear from him for quite awhile. He didn't take any questions-a brave and smart move in Draco's opinion.

"What's on your mind?"

"Hm? Oh, nothing. Just thinking about your announcement to the press."

"Ha, best thing I ever did concerning them. They don't bother me at all anymore, they're all too busy speculating who I've decided to win over." Draco nodded, wondering when the gossip mill about him would stop. It had been a grand total of three months since the announcement had been made, and people were still talking about it as if it had happened yesterday.

All-in-all, Draco found it highly annoying.

When they reached the park, Harry waved his wand and a huge picnic set itself up on the ground for them. Almost laughing at the sheer extravagance of just a picnic, Draco sat down on the silk blanket, signaling for Harry to sit as well. And, instead of taking his normal place of across from the blond, Harry sat right next to him.

He took that as a very good sign.

Their meal was consumed over simple topics, such as the muggle society and the conveniences of being an animagus. After Draco had eaten his fill, the topics got a little heavier, delving into Harry's opinion on Dumbledore and Snape. Draco had loved them, and hated them. Harry didn't know what to think of them.

A nearby couple passed, and Draco could hear them giggling over the two of them sitting under a willow tree. He chose to ignore them.

They, at least, got to kiss each other whenever they wanted. Draco didn't have that choice. He didn't have the pleasure of waking up next to the one he cared about. He didn't have that-and yet they did.

And the worst part about that entire envious monster problem he had-he couldn't say a word against it. He had to abide by the courting rules. He didn't exactly know for sure what the reprimand was for not following the rules, but he shuddered to think of the consequences. After all, the rules had been made long before Dark Magic was considered Dark. Who knew what kind of magic bound them to the rules?

He quickly changed his train of thought before he couldn't help but to shudder.

Before he knew it, Harry had packed their belongings up and he was putting his arm in the brunet's again, being led home by one of the most wonderfully funny men he had ever met.

When they arrived at their destination-home-Harry led him in and put their things on the couch before turning to him. Looking into Harry's eyes, Draco saw determination, excitement, and a tiny bit of apprehension? Or maybe fear? Perhaps it was nervousness. He allowed himself only a moment to wonder before he was pulled from his thoughts all-together.

He knew this was the part in the day where they would part ways for the evening, and he was reluctant to let it be so. He tried to convey that to Harry through the look he tossed over to him.

He just smiled.

"Goodnight Mr. Malfoy." He then leaned down and place a gentle, chaste kiss to Draco's lips and proceeded to his room to let Draco wonder at what he had just done.

Being that Draco wanted to think on what had just happened, he rushed into his room and shut the door quietly before casting a silencing charm. He then proceeded to jump up and down like a little schoolgirl.

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