Chapter 6

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Retrieving Memories

A Kyou Kara Maou Fanfiction

(Sequel to 'Give Wolfram Back To Me')

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the plot and my OCs, of course. Otherwise, this wouldn't be a fanfiction. Any resemblance to real life names, situations, etc. is pure coincidence.

All rights belong to Tomo Takabayashi, Temari Matsumoto, and Studio Deen.

A/N : I am back again after finishing all mg college units ^_^ Sorry for the long delay.

Chapter 6

Normal POV

A couple days passed. Wolfram, still feeling down, never once left his room after the incident. He also refused to let anyone else in except Gisela and his mother. They also haven't told anyone the news about Wolfram's pregnancy. It would cause a huge uproar if they do. And it would certainly worsen the problem with Yuuri.

On the other hand, the others are still trying to talk it out with Yuuri – which obviously failed miserably. They didn't let the monarch out of his bedchamber for the past couple days as well, and only a few select are allowed to enter. Although many knew that the king had an accident, only a small number of people actually know about his amnesia. They made it look like the king is still recuperating in his bedchamber to avoid issues for the time being.

The wedding plans have been postponed but no one was suspicious. It's been only two days after all – many thought that it was only a break from all the planning stress. And besides, they are also waiting for the young king's family as they would also join the preparation.

It was a sunny afternoon. The soldiers were doing their patrolling and guarding duty – others are training. The maids were just about done in all their chores for the day. The cooks were making what was to be our dinner. It would have been a perfectly normal day if it wasn't for the incident two days ago.



"Look! There are people emerging from the center garden fountain!" a maid on the second floor yelled loudly from the window to alert whoever was in close vicinity about what she saw.

Soon, guards and maids with towels on hand came rushing towards the fountain. The others went and informed the lords and ladies of the castle about it. The others remained in their places, content with watching from a distance. They didn't want to make the area too crowded.

"Welcome back, Shouri-heika. And welcome to Shin Makoku Yuuri-heika's family," greeted by those swarming around the fountain.

Towels were handed to the newly arrived party and all the stuff they had with them were taken out of the fountain and placed on the grass. Shortly, hurried footsteps were heard and came the lords and ladies of Blood Pledge Castle. Yes, even the king – but his consort-to-be wasn't there.

"Welcome to Shin Makoku – Shouri-heika, Miko-sama, Shouma-sama, Bob-heika, Sharon-san." Conrad was the first to greet. Then the others followed his example.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Miko-sama and Shouma-sama. Yuuri-heika and Shouri-heika's parents." Gunter gestured towards the brimming couple.

"And this respectable man adorned with black suit is Bob-heika, the Maou of Earth," he gestured towards Bob and finally to the last new face in the party. "And this beautiful young lady here is Bob-heika's subordinate, Sharon-sama. Treat them with kindness and hospitality."

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