The battle of the rebel twins part one

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Sebastian pov

I looked at her she looked beautiful she had (h/l) (h/c). She had lost a lot of blood thankfully we got to her in time. I looked up at her eyes as they started to fluter open. She looked up at me with her big (e/c) eyes full of confusion. I keeper an eye on her as I advanced as beautiful as she is she might be dangerous. I watched her tentatively thinking about what she might do or how she will react, she has woken up in a strange house and bed.

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I sit up carefully holding my stomach "ouch!" I hissed I saw I was wearing bandages through them I could see a tint of pink slowly forming indicating the wounds were indeed deep. I looked up and saw that the owner the the blood red eyes had raven black hair and a pail complexion. I shook the thoughts of him away I needed to find a way out.

Sebastian pov

I held her down so she wouldn't hurt herself. " I would stay down if I were you your still bleeding a bit, my brother left to get more bandages for your wounds" I smiled she had beautiful (s/c) and was very persistent. she continued to try to get up until she succeed. She took some wobbly steps towards the door.

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I'm leaning on the wall for balance I didn't know what to do I was frightened at the fact that I didn't know we're I was or who that man was I got to the stairs and began going as fast as I could towards the exit. I hadn't noticed that someone had just entered, from my race down the stairs I slipped because of a sloped step and prepared my self for the pain that would accompany the fall but it never came.

Ciel pov

I sigh " why couldn't he go to get the bandages for the girl" I blushed when I remembered her pretty face I looked up and headed towards the stairs and see the girl stumbling down the stairs. She missed a step and my world stoped as she started falling. I reached out and threw my self at her to soften her fall, when I looked down at her I turned bright red at the situation I had her startled I looked up at her mad (s/c) that was perfectly framed by her (h/l) (h/c).

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I was startled. "G-get off of me!" I pushed him off and sit up with all my strength and sit up holding my stomach as a stinging pain shot down on me at full speed I felt like I would die. Who were these people any ways. I exam end the person in front of me closely as he tried to hide his fluster from me he had raven colored hair with a touch of blue and eyes just as red as the male I had meet before.

Ciel pov

I quickly got off the girl I looked at her my crimson eyes scanning the bandages that were tainted pink from the blood seeping through. I walked towards her but that only caused her to move away from me. " I just want to stop the bleeding and change your gauze." She looked at me fear in her eyes. I could tell she was I pain but she also looked like she was debating killing me or letting me help her, and who I hoped it was option number two I couldn't die with out even knowing her name at least.

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I look at him and I nodded I let him bandaged my stomach I tried not to look into his eyes but I couldn't help it that he and that other guy was kinda handsome, of corse I would not admit a thing to anyone I had to much pride. 'Yea we'll look at what your pride took you to, you almost died' I punished my self at my stupidity.

Sebastian pov

I was looking for the girl, for someone that is injured she walks fast. As I was heading towards the stairs I heard a loud thump and a scream. I ran down the stairs and saw my brother tending to the girl's wounds. She screamed again as he tightened the gauze around her stomach. She didn't look so pleased at the form he was tending to her wounds, she looked like she was about to kill him, if looks could kill me and my "brother" would be dead and buried.

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"AHHH!! Man that hurts !!! " I hissed I heard that boy chuckle I glared at him cutely "d-don't laugh" ugh I thought how I hate being weak. Why wasn't I more carful thus would not have happened if I paid attention. This all ways happens, but this was a close call I could have died I lost so much blood. But I couldn't worry now at least they were nice enough to try to heal my wounds.

Ciel pov

I heard foot steps coining from up stairs as I look up the mysterious girl lets out a nother scream, I laugh at how frustrated she was. "Ciel what happens I herd a thump like someone fell" I looked up to find my "brother" " yea Sherlock that's what would have hapend if I had sent caught her in time. She could have gotten hurt " I hissed at him. It didn't mater that he was no longer my butler, he had no reason to disobey my orders " I told you to watch her for thirty minutes and what do I find a girl falling down stairs!!!!"I was beyond mad.

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I watch them argue I couldn't help but smirk but I didn't show it, who knows these people could be killers for all I know like it maters if I wasn't weak I would have killed them already. I just watched them they seem harmless enough although I can't shake off the feeling that there hiding some thing from me. I did my best to hide my suspicions all I needed is to get out of here before some thing happens, some thing always happens especially with me in the room.

Sebastian pov

"Sigh don't have a break down would you we have a guest and that would not be a pretty sight for her to watch" I laughed, ciel sure got mad easily. I don't know how he could have tuned a company in the past with his attitude. I watched him get up from were he and the mysterious girl was located," please do forgive our rudeness we didn't even ask you for your name or introduce our selves, my name is Sebastian Michellies" I smiled and extended my hand wich she took precociously and I planted a kiss on it.

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I kinda blushed but didn't want to show it so I tried my best to keep it to my self they are not going to get under my skin that easy. It's ok my name is (f/n) (l/n) " I look around trying to find out anything I could by looking around. By the size of the space I must be in a mansion "nice place you got here " I needed to play it safe who knows how they got the money to pay for this luxury.

Ciel pov

I turn to see Sebastian smiling " it's nice to meet you (f/n) my name is ciel phantomhive and thank you we were able to buy all this with the help of some money my great great grandfather left for us" I sigh I hated having to tell everyone that all our money comes from a distant relative when I had to work hard to get it all when I was human.

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I noticed I my secret watch was burning up It hurt my poor skin that miserably held it in place. I know what that meant .....a rebel is near ! "Um thanks for caring for me but I have to go " I start to stand up but ciel pushed me down so I sat back down this was bad really bad. Ugh .....oh no!! I thought the rebel is here !!!

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