Princess in the tower

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We arrived in London, England late at night to lessen the amount of people that would see us. We all immediately took out a map of modern London, after we searched for places he might of took her we split up to search for her. Ciel, grell and I were to search an abandoned tower that In the past was the location that he took the unlucky oral he kidnapped and turned them into dolls in. We searched the forst half of the building with no luck, it was almost noon we had been searching for the whole morning. We were about to leave when we heard rustling form around the corner " bassy hold me!!!" I looked at Grell He had jumped into my arms I drooped him from my arms " it's just Claude and Alois they probably didn't find anything-" " guys we heard singing form the highest tower she might be up there," we turned to Alois with our hopes up as we all ran to the tower as fast as we could.

Reader pov

I was having trouble sleeping from all the nerves and drocell decided to sing to me. I went to sleep once again after he finished singing he left the room.

Drocell pov

I was singing to make my adopted sister sleep I don't know why she seems jumpy around me. "Sleep tight " with that I kissed her forehead and left to go make a doll for her she would love it, a miniature doll of me. I was making the doll until sebastian, ciel , alois, claude, and ugh Grell!? Burst into the room and had me tied to a chair.

Ciel pov

We burst through the large door to find Drocell mKkng a doll in fear of it being (y/n) we tied up Drocell and picked up the doll. To our relief it was just a normal doll. Sebastian and I searched for (y/n) there was only one more room to search, we speed up the stairs that lead to a room at the top most tower. We burst towards the door to find her laying on a bed.

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"Zzzzzz" I was sleeping peacefully but I felt cooled this tower needs air conditioning, i shivered I missed living with Sebastian and ciel. I was woken up with a shake "Hmm??? " I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes and sat up drowsily . "Ciel . sebastian??" I smiled as I saw them around my bed, they gave me a hug and picked me up. They had come to save me I felt like a princess out of the fairy tale, with the tower and everything but I had two knights in shining armor.

Sebastian pov

We raced to her and hugged her. I picked her up and we raced out of the tower the test of the team was out side already, waiting for our return, we all headed to our home we sat down on the sofa (y/n) was resting up stairs, once we gave Claude and Alois what they wanted and pushed Grell out we just waited for her to wake up. We looked towards the stairs as she made her way down, she came and sat down in front of us. " I wanted to finish what I didn't get to say, I.....I love.."

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