You've never had curry before!!!

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After that day during homeschooling

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"Hey sebastian. I'm bored and I want to make friends at school. Take us back please " I pouted . I heard sebastian chuckle at my actions . "It's not funny." I pouted again I enjoyed seeing his expression every time I acted cute. Even though he was older than me in human years we were both Demond's so it didn't really mater did it.

Sebastian pov

I chuckled at what (y/n) had just said she got showered in red paint and still wants to go back. I turn to face her pushing up my reading glasses and say " sorry but I already removed you from that school and I don't think that the school wants ciel back, he almost killed that poor human boy" in the background I could hear ciel mumble a quiet " he started it"I rolled my eyes at his comment. I Turned and continued to teach them algorithms, but I could see her slowly falling a sleep from the corner of my eye.

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I started to get sleepy this was so boring I'm a demon princess why did I need math. I thought 'well it won't be bad if I shut my eyes for a little while, the problems don't look that hard any ways ' I then fell asleep and I didn't realize it until I woke up in a bed, but to my surprise not alone.

Ciel pov

Ciel watched as Sebastian continued talking and talking. 'How did I not fall asleep during his lessons when he was my butler'. I turn to (y/n) and noticed she was asleep, I quietly pick her up and take her up stairs ignoring what ever Sebastian was talking about. I set her down in her bed and tuck her in just looking at her sleeping peacefully made me drowsy it couldn't hurt to sleep for a while. I sat on the edge of her bed and slowly laid back falling asleep as we'll and with out knowing warped my arms around (y/n).

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I woke up to see that I was on ciel's lap sleeping against his chest. I had a massive blush coming on from how close we were, so I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he was to strong and held me tighter. I was blushing even more than before now 'Om I gosh what's going on someone save me?!?!' I thought, I haven't been this close to a boy in my life what do I do.

Sebastian pov

I searched the house trying to find my missing students. That's when I herd quiet snoring coming from (y/n)' s room. I walked in to find her awake and panicking in ciel's arms. I walked over to the side of the bed (y/n) was in and signaled her to be quiet and cover her ears. I cleared my thought and yelled at the top of my lungs " ciel what do you think your doing!!!!!!!!!!" Ciel fell out of bed from the sudden noise and (y/n) got out to make sure he was ok. I don't know why she wanted to be free In the first place.

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"C-ciel you ok!?" I check him over and over again. I started asking him If any thing hurt or if he needed help and he said he was fine so I helped him up. 'Wait why was u so worried?' I shouldn't care right he's just a friend right?

Ciel pov

I was sleeping soundly until I heard someone yelling. I bolted up falling off the bed In the proses I hit my elbow on the floor but it didn't hurt that bad, (y/n) raced towards me and started asking me questions to know if I was ok. I smiled and said in a reassuring voice that I was fine she said ok and helped me up although she seemed to be debating Somme things in her mind. I turned and saw a not so happy Sebastian, I smirked at him and said "you know Sebastian I'm hungry and I think she is to so how about you make us some curry or something" I smirked wider and added " that's an order". He huffed and left the room as I turned to grab (y/n) by the hand and he'd down stairs.

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Ciel grabs my hand at first I didn't think much of it , but he didn't let go and I was trying to hide a blush, pull your self together (y/n) why are you acting like this you were bad ass before, now you blush at everything. we walked down stairs and I smelled something good but unfamiliar, I sniffed the air again. "Is that curry?? I've never had it before" I say casually. Ciel turned to face me and had a anger for in front of me including yelling. I looked at him warning him to calm down if not he was going to wish he didn't live eternally, and what is with my mood swings?

Ciel pov

I look at (y/n) suprized "how in the world have you not had curry before!!" I yell. She Looks at me with an are you seriously yelling at me face and I clear my throught. " I mean it doesn't mater if you've tried it before it not I'm sure you'll love it" I sigh silently. I sigh in relief when I notice her face soften that us followed with one of her prize wining smiles " well I hope i will like it because I don't think Sebastian is in that good of a mood to make me something else to eat" she says as we walk into the kitchen.

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I saw curry on the table "Smells good sebastian-sama " I smiled as I sat down informer of my bowl. Sebastian blushes at how I said his name and he thanked me. I smiled and giggled at his flushed face 'well at least I'm not the only one blushing twenty four seven.

Sebastian pov

I placed the bowls of curry on the table. When I looked up isaw ciel enter with (y/n) I held in my anger of seeing them hold hands as she complimented my cooking. I blushed and told them to sit and eat she called my Sebastian-sama, does that mean she's falling for me or is she just playing around. After eating we decided to watch a horror movie, what better than a horror movie to scare the living daylights out of the girl you like so they cower into your arms I thought, this will be perfect.

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