The battle of the rebel twins part 2

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Sebastian pov

This girl didn't seem to be dangerous, but she dose seem nervous and keeps looking towards the door as if it was hiding an enemy. Something seems strange, so I walk down the stairs to investigate and as I reached the bottom, the front door burst open sending splinters of wood flying, one almost stabbing my eye in the proses. I turned to ciel and (y/n) and made sure they were not harmed. I looked out side but found nothing.

Ciel pov

I noticed Sebastian's expression change in to suspicion as (y/n) looked expectantly at the door. As soon as he got down the stairs the door burst open. With out thinking I shielded her from any shards that might hurt her. I felt small fragments of wood puncture my skin, making small wounds that quickly heal and disappear not leaving a trace. I looked up to see (y/n) trying to get me of her, I reluctantly got of her as she ran towards the door. Preparing her self as if she was going into battle.

Reader pov

I ran to the door and as I got in to my battle stance. Sebastian and ciel looked at me with a confused expression they didn't have a clue as two what dangers they would meet. "Show yourself rebels!!!!" Just then two demons appear from the sides of the doors and rapidly ran towards me. They were rebels I knew it! And they didn't know what they were dealing with, I may be injured but it didn't mean I couldn't fight back.

Rebel Demons pov

We were about to enter the manor until we heard a familiar voice yell out "show yourself !!!!!" We smirked and we came out of our hiding place we were going to take her down to make things better we noticed she was injured, this will be interesting.

"Hahahaha so you were expecting us. No??" We got in battle stance she might be injured, but she was known to take down rebels easily. We advanced rest to stake, but were surprised by her reaction she gave us a glare and advanced her self ready to swing.

Readers pov

I glared at them as I charged they were not going to take me down, they had not been the first to try to get rid of me. I made my reaper tool that I always used to kill rebel demons, I started slashing both of them, we continued to fight I was sure that they were going to fail in there mission.

Ciel pov

I tuned to Sebastian and we looked at each other, I smiled at him he returned the smile and gave me a nod. We rapidly got up and started taking down the two intruders. (Y/n) looked at us in awe as she witnessed our work I don't know what she is but no normal person would have done what she tried to do. After we took them down Sebastian got rid of any signs of a battle we didn't need to cause any more disruption in my already horrible fake life. I turned to (y/n) with a scowl plasters on my face " care to explain what just happened and the reason that my clothing is now ripped and covers in splinters."

Reader pov

"Sigh.... Fine fine I gues I can't hide this any more especially after what just happens. Im a rebel assassin and um my grandfathers ..lucifer " I said his name in a low voice it was bad enough that I put them in danger. I bowed deeply "Sorry!!! I was trying not to blow my cover it was for not just my own, but everyone's safety I'm a target for all rebels!!!" I said with a anime Sweatdrop. "Well I think that's all I can say please forgive me..."

Ciel pov

"We we were trying not to blow our cover as we'll, but it seems that I started to regret saving you because now those things know we're demons and they will likely come after us as we'll now no one is safe" Sigh why can't anything ever go right in this place. I looked at her fuming " you know how long it took me to adjust to this era!! Of course you don't but you know what you just ruined many eras of work every safety precaution taken is gone down the drain!!"

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