Any Other Day

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"Hey Hannah, your strap is falling off, here." Calvin's cold hand reached for the stringed fabric that rested on my upper arm.

 "No! Please! Don't touch me." I yelped while deflecting his hand from my body. 

The class all turned to us with dumbfounded looks on their faces. 

~Ms. Preston~ "What on earth is going on back there!" She placed her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow at our disturbance.

~Calvin~ "Uh-um nothing... I don't know-ask Hannah." He passed the blame onto me with his hands up in innocence. 

The other students whispered and giggled. 

 "Sorry Ms. Preston, I was um just startled- its nothing." I tried to  defend myself. 

I caught a glimpse of Evelyn who was whispering with her friends. 

Evelyn caught me staring and immediately  smirked at me with her perfectly straight teeth. I rolled my eyes at her as she mouthed "Are you going to fix that?" Pointing at the strap I still hadn't adjusted yet.

I lowered my gaze and tried to discreetly pull it up out of embarrassment. 

As the bell rang I collected my binder and quickly shoved it in my backpack. I could hear Calvin talking to another classmate. 

~Levi~ "Calvin, bro why did she freak out on ya?" He chuckled.

~Maya~ "Levi, you know if I was touched by Calvin i'd freak out too." She interjected jokingly.

~Calvin~ "Shut up, I don't know whats wrong with her. She's probably on her period or something." He shrugged his shoulders and tried to revive his ego.

I could feel a lump in my throat begin to form. I threw my backpack on and hurried out the door for my next class.

As I walked down the hallway I was chased down by three of my friends, Charlotte, Bella, and Hadley.  

~Hadley~ "Hey are you okay? We saw what Calvin did-" I cut her off quickly.

"Guys don't worry, I'm fine, it was no big deal." I tried to assure them.

~Bella~ "If you say so Han' " She forced a smile.

~Charlotte~ "Yeah I mean Calvin's an asshole anyway. Fuck him"

~Hadley~ "Girl what? No, don't fuck him."

~Charlotte~ "Hads, she knows what I mean, but in case you don't: do not fuck him whatsoever." She coherently whispered at me and laughed.

~Bella~ "You guys are idiots." She giggled and lightly shoved Charlotte into Hadley.  

"Haha thanks guys but trust me, i'm fine." I smiled at my friends as they went on rambling. 

We all walked to physics class together barely beating the bell. We rushed to our seats laughing, other students furrowing their eyebrows at us in confusion

I was writing the date on my warm up sheet when I felt cold droplets on my arm, followed by a flood of iced coffee on my desk. I jumped back and looked at the culprit. 

Evelyn Parker was standing before me with a smug grin on her face.

~Evelyn~ "Oh shit I am sooo sorry, I would help clean it up but I don't want to accidentally 'startle' you." She sneered at me.

My heart dipped at her words.

"You do realize you're not intimidating, i'm not afraid of you" I walked towards her as students gazed at our confrontation.

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