You're My Problem

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I slammed my locker shut and grabbed a clean shirt to put on. I tugged off my practice jersey and looked in the mirror to see the scars that marked my abdomen. Someone walked into the locker room and I spun around to see Evelyn staring at my stomach with a stunned look on her face. I quickly grabbed a near shirt and tried to cover my body.

"What do you want?" I mumbled.

~Evelyn~ "Alyssa wanted me to apologize or something, I don't know." Her eyes trailed off towards the ground.

"Whatever just leave me alone." I snapped.

~Evelyn~ "Not before you tell me what your problem is." She crossed her arms and slowly walked towards me.

"My problem? You, you're my problem, Evelyn." I backed up until I couldn't anymore, I winced as my bare back met the cold metal lockers.

 ~Evelyn~ "How is it my fault that you have problems with people touching you?" She answered tightly lipped. 

I didn't answer, I just tried to avert my gaze from Evelyn, who was standing inches from me.

~Evelyn~ "Is it related to your stomach?" She pointed at the scars that were poorly hidden.

I remained quiet, hoping she would just let it go and leave.

~Evelyn~ "Move the shirt." She commanded in a quiet tone.

"No" I frowned. 

~Evelyn~ "Fine, be weird, Jones." She scoffed.

"Screw you." I pushed her off of me.

~Evelyn~ "I would never." She jeered and headed out of the locker room.


I arrived at home and was greeted by my adoptive parents: Sarah and Michael. They welcomed me into their family 9 years ago.

~Sarah~ "Hi sweetie, how was school?" She smiled.

"Hi, yeah it was good." I fake smiled knowing that if I told the truth she would worry too much.

~Michael~ "Yeah sport and how about volleyball? You show em' who's boss " He went for a high five but I uncontrollably flinched.

"Sorry, I'm sorry um yeah It was fun." I frantically apologized.

~Michael~ "Honey its okay don't worry about it." 

I headed upstairs to take a shower. Once I finished I headed into my room but I heard my parents discussing me, I got closer to the railing and listened in on their conversation.

~Sarah~ "Michael come on, she's been through a lot."

~Michael~ "She won't even high five me, the therapists haven't worked I'm worried about her."

~Sarah~ "I know, I know, she's going to be like this for her whole life, all we can do is comfort her and make her feel normal."

~Michael~ "But she's not normal, Sarah. She's been through hell and back."

I ran back into my room and plunged my face into my pillow. Even though it had been 9 years since I left my biological family, I still haven't been able to sleep at night, nightmares and flashbacks overtaking my dreams.

No one knows about my past in my "new life" except for Sarah & Michael. My closest friends don't even know that I was sexually assaulted and abused by my biological father. 

Everyone thinks i'm strange because I don't like when people touch me but ever since my dad used to barge into my room at night and beat me, I have never been able to handle anyones hands on me without giving me a panic attack. 

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