Afraid Of The Dark

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I collected the rest of my things and limped far behind Kiana and Ruby who tugged Evelyn into the bathroom.  

I curiously peaked my head through the doorway, i was surprised to see Evelyn being backed into a corner by the terrible two.

~Kiana~ "You've changed so much since winter break Evelyn, you're going soft. We're sick of it. Whats wrong with you?" Her squeaky voice boomed at Evelyn who replied with furrowed eyebrows. 

~Evelyn~ "Nothing is wrong with me, you guys are the ones acting up." She barked making Kiana flinch.

I accidentally snickered loud enough to blow my cover,  Ruby quickly turned her head at me.

~Ruby~ "You know what i've noticed? you've been treating someone in particular nicer than before." She crossed her arms with a tilted head.

~Evelyn~ "Oh really? And who would that be?" She must have known the answer to her question because her voice sounded less smug.

~Evelyn~ "Are you kidding me? Jones? Whos weed are you guys smoking?" She became defensive. 

~Kiana~ "Crazy. She didn't deny it, Ruby. I wonder why." She gritted her teeth.

"Yeah um good talk guys but i got 5th block to catch, wouldn't want to miss out on Mr. Rivera's daily feminist speech." I smiled nervously and cringed out of embarrassment.

~Evelyn~ "Yeah um I also have class to get to." She shrugged and brushed her shoulder into mine on her way out.

~Ruby~ "Evelyn we're going to talk about this later" She called out after her, they rushed out past me in a huff.

I know that Evelyn is really popular, i mean even people that are terrified of her would blush if she waved at them in the hallway. Evelyn could literally befriend anybody at this school but she chooses to hang around Kiana Reed and Ruby Taylors, the nastiest girls here.

I didn't think Evelyn could be anything other than horrible but that volleyball camp really gave me a different perspective on her, then of course I had to screw it up.

I limped my way over to the elevator and got in, the doors were shutting when an arm swiped through, stopping the doors. 

I felt my heart drop to my feet when i saw Evelyn standing in front of me. I had never met someone who was this hard to read. I wasn't sure if she was about to kill me or kiss me. 

~Evelyn~ "I think I rolled my ankle during last practice- so yeah." She clicked her tongue and pushed her floor button.

"Whatever you say." My forehead creased as my eyes roamed the ceiling. 

~Evelyn~ "Are we going to finish our conversation?" She leaned against the elevator wall across from me.

"Why should we? We're just going to fight. I'm not sure if I'm the bipolar one or if you are, or-or maybe we both are, but we're never on the same page and its confusing." I didn't mean to express exactly what I was thinking but I couldn't stop myself.

~Evelyn~ "Okay first of-" She was cut off by the darkness that took us both by surprise.

The elevator came to a dramatic halt, shaking us both. 

"Shit, what happened?" I caught my balance.

There was silence, i looked around for a backup light.

"Evelyn? Anybody home?" I laughed to myself.

There was more silence but i could just barely hear unsteady breathing.

"Ev-Evelyn..are you okay?" I was more worried now.

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