Chapter 2

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200 years later...

I wiped off the sweat from my brow using my old t-shirt after I mucked out the last stable, it was hard work but I loved it here. After that dreadful night of losing both my parents and sentenced to death, Peter, the man whose kind and gentle voice, brought me back home with him, saving me. Once the cracked bones and wounds healed I was back on my feet in no time, the only problem was I was a shell, empty and traumatized. 

It took Peter a year of patience and kindness to finally return me back to the world of the living, another six months to win my love and affection. At nearly the age of twelve I considered Peter as my dad, and he adored me like a daughter. Everyday throughout the years he taught me how to fight, listen to my senses and a great deal about self-discipline and patience. He lived on a small farm, not far from the Norfolk Coast, and if I listened carefully I could hear the ocean.

The sky was just starting to darken so I started walking over back up to the house, debating on what I should do for dinner. The wind shifted slightly bringing in the the alluring scent of the sea, calling to other half of me. Deciding dinner could wait a little longer, I took off running towards the beach, excitement and anticipation drumming through me the entire way.

The sea was calm today, the waves glistening and gently lapping one another, her endless song singing sweetly to me, calling me. Looking around and seeing no one in sight I quickly strip down and walk into the sea, I sighed in pleasure as her loving embrace surrounded me. Once deep enough I dived under the surface and began to swim towards my favourite reefs, letting the change take over me. I felt the tingle travel throughout my body as my legs transformed into a shimmering black tail, which felt as natural as my legs.

The fish instantly started to surround me as I swam further into the sea, making sure I stayed clear of any fishing boats in the area. Reaching the reef I laid down on the sand and watched the sea creatures swim around me in excitement, eager for attention and affection. I laid on my belly, running my finger across a sea bass when a sudden large dark shadow passed swiftly over me.

I shivered, not understanding why, but I had the distinct feeling that I wasn't safe anymore. I pushed myself up slowly, casually looking closely in every direction but not seeing anything, not even a dot from whatever swam over me. I tried to keep calm as I kept searching, the memories of my father getting dragged into the sea by huge men hit me, sending me into a panic. My heart started thumping against my chest as dread filled me, knowing that they were out there. No matter how much I had trained, no matter how good I got, I still got scared and hated every second of it.

Deciding it was better to get away quickly, I pushed off the sand and swam as hard and as fast as I could, not taking the chance of looking back. As I neared the shore I felt something tingle, a knowing, something was watching me. I embraced the change back to human form as the water reached my waste, running and tripping through the water to escape. Once I was back on the beach, gasping for breath, I turned and looked back out at sea, looking for whatever that was watching me.

My heart stopped as I spotted the dark shadow of half a man bobbing in the sea, but not so far that I couldn't see his golden hair and glowing green eyes. I shuffled back without looking and fell on my backside, still not taking my eyes off of him, the memory of my father's face hit me in force as he was dragged into the sea. Anger hit me then, for what they did. They took him and killed him, for what? I let my eyes glow electric blue, pulling myself up off the floor and standing tall. Suddenly not afraid of one man, I couldn't sense any others, but I could be wrong.

"What do you want?" I shouted out to him, not really expecting an answer. He didn't reply, he just floated there, watching me as if I were a bug. Deciding that it wasn't safe here anymore, I quickly got dressed, ignoring the fact that there was something watching me closely.

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