Chapter 4

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Nothing could have prepared me for Lance's statement. They were actually characters from the stories my mother used to read to me. Shock must have shown clearly on my face at their concerned glances.

"You guys serious?" I asked cautiously, waiting for the chuckles that would surely follow.

"How can you not know this?" Arthur asked looking more and more confused. "Have you ever socialised with vampires?" He asked almost hesitantly.

I looked at all three of them before answering. "Of course I have." I replied with a huff. Technically I'm not lying. I socialised with my mother until she was murdered by my psycho of an uncle. Though she never really spoke of our kind. Merlin was now studying me closely, most likely looking for a lie but was unable to detect one.

"Sorry, I'm just not sure how you've never heard of us." Arthur stated. "It's unheard of for one of our kind to be ignorant of our society." The word ignorant rubbed me the wrong way, though I bit my tongue from my snarky reply. I could at least admit that I didn't know much about my own kind.

"I guess i'm one of a kind." Was all I said in return. I sighed and decided that I needed a few drinks and a chance to think about my knowledge of vampires. Maybe I should do a little research, though I doubt any truth could be found on the internet, nothing worthwhile anyway. It's not like I haven't tried looking for Derek over the years. But every lead led to disappointment. "Well it's been an interesting night gentlemen, but I do need to get going." I said. "But please do feel free to stay and enjoy the rest of your evening." I smiled.

"Of course." Merlin grinned at me. "Don't let us old fools ruin your evening." He raised his glass with a wink. I really did like this man.

"If you ever have any more questions or want to know more you can reach us here." Says Arthur placing a card in my outstretched hand. I peer down at the card.

"Hell." I asked with a raised brow. "Really?" How original.

"It's a private club not too far from here." Arthur growls ignoring my statement. "But you can find us here if you ever want to learn more about our kind." He says, making sure I didn't miss the word 'our'.

"Thank you." I said dumbly. I really did want to know more and the card in my hand could be my answer. But I couldn't help the feeling that there was something more going on. What was their angle? What did they get out of helping me? "Well I guess I'll see you guys around." I said cheerfully as I waved and walked off. I could feel their eyes hot on my back as I walked further away. I sighed in relief as I turned a corner towards the back exit.

I looked at the card again, half tempted to walk back over there and demand to know everything. But it would be better to think this over before deciding anything. I knew deep down that if I do decide to step into their world there would be no going back. My life would change and I wasn't certain that it would be for the better.

The night chill hit me as I exited the building and started making my way down the darkened street. The card tempting me in my hand. But tonight I had other plans.

The pack house was loud and lively as I approached. I smiled knowing that tonight would be a good night. I could practically feel the happiness and excitement as I came to the gate and unlocked it. A sudden rustle of leaves alerted me to another presence. I slowly turned around and scanned the surrounding area, knowing that no one lived around here for a reason. The pack purchased the land around this area, making sure that humans were safely away from wolves that may be on a rampage. Like I said, wolves had hot tempers.

I felt rather than saw that someone or something was watching me. I stood there in the darkness waiting for something to jump out and drag me in the bushes. A sudden burst of of light and a bang of a door made me jump in fright, my already racing heart doubling in pace at the sudden noise.

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