Chapter 7

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I looked inside the low lit room curiously while I tried to shrug Merlin's words off. They didn't sound fun. The first thing I noticed was that this room was not decorated the HELL red way. This room was painted a pearl grey and had white floors instead of usual black.

Merlin nudged me once again, earning himself a look of annoyance from me, to move me into the room. As I stepped in I got a full glimpse of the difference between the club and a private room. Soft white furnishing covered the room with silver accessories displayed throughout. I sensed a females touch in this. Especially when I noticed the hints of pink around the room. My eyes landed on Arthur, who was currently sitting at a large white desk in the room, typing away on the computer in front of him. I knew he knew I was here. 

"I walked over to the desk and took a seat opposite him as I waited for him to finish.

"Are you hungry?" Merlin asked politely.

"I wouldn't mind something to eat actually." I replied just as my stomach growled loudly. My face heated and I placed my hand over my stomach, silently praying that it wouldn't make that noise again.

"I'll grab you a snack." Merlin patted my hand and walked out the way we came. I licked my lips in hunger. Arthur was still tapping away on his keyboard so I took my time to look around the room again.My eyes snagged on a photo of Arthur with a beautiful woman with black hair, black eyes and lovely smile. Arthur was also smiling in this photo surprising me, he didn't look the type. I continued with my observation, a little miffed that Arthur didn't even acknowledge my presence as I waited for him to finish whatever he was determined to finish before he spoke to me. Just as I was about to bite out a snarky 'hi' to Arthur, rustling behind me caught my attention.

My eyes widened as I spotted the guy ,John, from earlier enter the room with Merlin. What was he doing here? I wondered. John looked over at me and a sudden large smile spread over his face. 

"Hello again beautiful." He chirped as he took off his t-shirt. My jaw dropped as he revealed his six pack and walked purposely towards me. I pushed myself back into my chair as he got too close for comfort. "I've been fantasying about this." He whispered seductively. I made sure to breath through my mouth as he grabbed both arms of my chair and rolled it towards him. He lent his neck to the side, revealing the side that had no marks. I just sat there and stared stupidly at his neck while forcing myself to keep breathing though my mouth. 

"Are you not hungry?" Merlin asked confused. Um. I was starving! But I have never fed on a human, did they expect me too? I saw Arthur out of the corner of my eye looking at me and John in discomfort. So he finally noticed I was here. I nodded at Merlin, too embarrassed to ask what they expected me to do to John.

"Do you have any bagged blood?" I asked instead. All three of them looked at me strangely then. John looking really disappointed.

"Why would you want bagged blood? We only use those in emergencies." Arthur's voice sounded loud in the room. I felt even more awkward now, especially as John pulled another seat out and sat really close to me. 

"I don't." I started and then stopped. "I don't."I gritted my teeth as I forced the rest of the words out. "Feed on humans." I finished in a rush.

There faces would have been comical if I didn't feel like the joke right now.   

"You don't feed on humans, ever?" Merlin asked as if to confirm my statement.

"I was never shown how and when I was adopted into the pack I was supplied with bagged blood." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"How the hell have you survived like this?" Arthur ranted all of a sudden. "Those wolves have prevented you from learning about your own instincts. Did they even consider that if you ever went into a blood rage you wouldn't be able to stop because you haven't been taught how!" He growled and thumped the table with his fist. 

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