Chapter 9

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A week had passed since I had received the lashes and the recovery was agonizingly slow. All of the pack visited me throughout my time spent helpless on my bed and all of them offered their support while I slowly recovered. It was bittersweet really. Justine, Tanya, May and Kelly all voiced their disagreement of David's punishment, it was too harsh. They understood my need to socialise with and learn more about vampires, unlike David. For peaces sake I asked them what would David had done if it was one of the pack that had done what I did. They looked uncomfortable before telling me that he probably would have done worse. In a world full of monsters punishments were brutal and swift.

I looked at my back in the mirror and grimaced in pain and disgust with what I saw. I was still a little tender but I could at least move around now. My back, still, purple, red and blue was covered in thick ugly white scars. The scars that overlapped the previous ones were worse. They looked as if someone had cut into me several times in the same place.

I slowly put a baggy black t-shirt on and slipped on a pair of leggings before making my way downstairs. David had been absent this last week and I haven't sought him out. Tonight I would be back in the wolf club, I couldn't go back to Arthur's club until I had spoken to David. I entered the noisy kitchen which immediately died down as I walked further into the room.

"Your looking better today Saph, do you want some breakfast?" May asked as she was dishing up some eggs and bacon.

"Thanks May." I nodded in agreement and sat down next to Justin.

"You back in tonight?" Justin asked.

"Yeah " I answered him as May placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. The smell making my mouth water.

"It's been boring without you." Justin nudged me playfully. I couldn't hide the grimace at the movement as my skin pulled painfully tight across my back. "God Saphia, I'm sorry." He panicked and looked at me apologetically.

"I'm fine Justin, it's just a little tender " I patted him reassuringly. "Any problems while I've been away?" I asked as I dug into my food.

"No. Just the regulars." Justin assured me.

I looked over at Kelly as I took my next bite of bacon and could see she was clearly upset. I hadn't forgotten that I was meant to have a private chat with her. She looked up at me and gave me a sad smile before continuing eating. She's still sad. I thought to myself gloomily. The silence in the kitchen was now uncomfortable, everyone going over their own problems.

I got up and placed my empty plate in the sink, noting that Kelly had now finished too.

"Kelly can I have a quick word with you?' I asked as I grabbed a bag of blood from my fridge. Kelly looked up at me in surprise before nodding at me and putting her plate in the sink.

We walked up onto the living room in silence, the door closing signalling that it was safe to talk.

"How have you been?" I asked her gently as I took a seat on the brown leather sofa.

"Not bad Saph I'm just a little tired." She sighs looking over to the door. I gave the back of her head a questioning look. It didn't take a mind reader to know that something was up. Anyone with eyes could could see it. The once confident outgoing woman was now quiet and depressed. A shadow of herself.

I took her hand in mine and gave it an encouraging squeeze.

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong Kelly, but I am here for you. Anything you tell me won't go any further than us." I promised.

A singer tear trailed down her face and she quickly wiped it away. She then took a deep breath and shuddered.

"Blake's my mate." She whispered miserably. Ok, not what I expected but I was pleased for her. It was an unlikely match though in my eyes. Where Kelly was lively and outgoing, Blake was the silent and brooding type. He recently transferred over to our pack as his last pack broke apart under the rule of his previous Alpha. It was a horrible story. The old Alpha had grown unstable and had started abusing the pack.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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