Chapter 3

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Ten long years had passed since that night and over the years I had made a new family that thought I was one of their own. I was part of their pack now, accepted and respected for who and what I was. And oh no, it didn't happen magically overnight, it took two years of fights and patience to finally win them all over. One thing I learned about wolves was that they were passionate with hot tempers, but they were also caring, giving and loving people.

I sat in my office chair looking over the books again; looking for the error that David made somewhere. Rubbing my forehead I quickly scanned the papers before me, taking in the numbers and working through the sums in my head. I took out my pencil and wrote the correction next to the mistake. It was not like David to make mistakes, so something was up. He had been moody this last week and it was starting to grate on my nerves, just because he was Alpha didn't mean he could push people around. Well tell a lie, he could actually, but like I would ever actually admit that out loud in front of him. I snorted to myself imagining his face if I ever did, it would be comical, then he would smirk and call me a smart ass.

I stretched out my legs and looked around our neat and tidy office, it had the professional feel to it but still remained cozy. Files stacked neatly on the shelves, phone and books with a little lamp on our desk, a lovely shaggy rug in the middle of the room with a sofa on either side. The walls painted an olive green which was soothing in a way; the oak furniture seemed to make the room feel more homely. I decided then, that I needed to find out what was up with David, we practically became brother and sister over the years and it was so weird not being in the loop, it actually hurt. I walked out of the office door and bumped straight into Robert with 'an oomph'.

"Sorry Saphia, didn't see you there. Have you seen David?" He asked rubbing his chest. I smiled secretly to myself, I may not be wolf but I was a vampire. Which meant I was just as strong as them, though I didn't look it. I was a reasonable five ft. six slim build but not stick thin, pale skin, black thick long wavy hair and pale golden brown eyes. Men thought I was beautiful and attractive, though David told me that vampires were mainly all like that so they could attract unwilling prey. I still wasn't too thrilled by that notion, but decided it could be true as I didn't really know.

"That's ok; I was just about to go looking for him myself." I answered with a smile.

"Well if you find him before I do, could you tell him I'm looking for him?" He asked not completely looking into my eyes. My stomach dropped as I realised they were all hiding something from me, not just David, though he was probably the one that ordered them not to tell me.

I studied him closely then, taking in his disheveled appearance and the strong scent of whisky on his breath. His normally very neat golden brown long hair was a mess, he had dark circles under his bright blue eyes and his clothes were creased. Something was definitely up. Even though he practically towered over me at six ft. two and decked out in muscle, I could faintly scent his panic.

"Are you ok Rob?" I asked seriously, placing my hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture. I was worried now and I didn't like the feeling one bit. Rob's eyes suddenly shot up to me looking panicked, I bit my tongue in order to keep quiet, not wanting to panic him more and completely close up on me.

"I'm fine, just tell David I need to see him." He rushed with a strained smile. "I'd better go and check around the club anyway, never know what drugs get smuggled in when I'm not sniffing them out." He said waving back at me as he practically ran away from me. I stood there frozen in shock as I watched him disappear down the corridor that lead to the stairs, feeling out of place somehow.

Shrugging the feeling off for now, I followed Rob's exit and came down stairs to the clubs floor. I was immediately assaulted by the loud music as I pushed open the heavy door leading into the club, swiftly shutting the door behind me. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and flashing lights, keeping in time with the beat. The smell of the fog machine blowing out smoke played havoc with my sense of smell, blocking me from picking up David's or anybody else's scent. I watched the drunken humans dance and stumble around the club, some making out without caring who sees. I ignore their nightly antics and walk over to the main bar, pushing my way through the sea of people searching for another drink.

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