Chapter 6

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I stood in darkness under a broken streetlight hidden in the shadow as I observed HELL from across the street. The red neon sign flickered brightly, briefly illuminating the queue of humans waiting eagerly to get inside. My eyes quickly skipped over the humans, not really seeing them as a threat and landing on the two hulking guys in black guarding the door. Now those two looked like they could cause some serious damage. I watched one group of girls squeal and bounce around as they hugged each other before facing security. The one with the close shaven head grinned down at the group of girls, and not in a pleasant way, as he unhooked the cheesy red rope while the other bouncer opened the door and ushered them inside. The look that passed between the two was more predatory than a shark scenting blood in the water. I shivered as I watch them grin at each other while they rub their hands together in obvious anticipation. 

I felt disgusted at the pair and pity for the unsuspecting humans. Was this even legal in the vampire world, surely friends and family would notice that loved ones were disappearing. I continued to watch them patiently as more and more humans disappeared behind the doors of HELL. I couldn't shake off the thoughts of death as I watched and waited. 

I stood there like a creepy stalker for at least an hour before I plucked up enough courage to approach the club, the red neon light flickering red over my pale skin resembling blood as I got closer. Bad omen? I was half tempted to carry on walking straight past the club and come back another day but I couldn't. I needed to do this. I took a deep breath to try and help calm my nerves and instantly wished I hadn't, the scent of blood was strong here. I felt my fangs lengthening as I continued to scent the sweet smell of fresh blood, my vision sharpening as my body prepared to pounce on my prey. Then I was hit with distinct scent of vampire which was almost entwined with the scent of blood, confirming my assumption of the bouncers. They were vampires. It definitely explained the predatory looks they gave to the defenseless humans. 

Living with a pack of wolves had definitely helped keep vampires away from me. Of course I knew that they were everywhere, just like wolves, but I hadn't realized how close. The bouncer with the shaven head glanced at me, a slow grin forming as he took me in from head to toe. My heart started to speed up at his look and sweat formed on the back of my neck. My body tensed in fight or fight mode as I quickly scanned my surroundings for the best escape route. It was too late to back out now! 

"Haven't seen you here before darling." He grinned "Come in." He said wiggling his eyebrows at me, ignoring the shouts of displeasure from the humans in the queue. I approached cautiously, making sure I kept my eyes on him and the other vampire bouncer. His dark brown eyes sparkled with mischief as I got closer. My heart continued to beat frantically as I passed him and headed towards the other guy. He didn't smile and he didn't say anything as his beefy arm lifted up and opened the door. The loud beat of the club could be easily heard now and shouts of the party goers inside. I took my eyes off of him for split second as I scanned inside. It was dark and held little light, but I could I could see strobe lights flashing at the end of the hall. My eyes shot back to the the bouncer who was now studying me more closely while somehow managing to maintain a blank expression. His black eyes seem to be asking me a question as I slowly made my way past him and through the door. 

The sudden bang and deafening click of a lock caused me to spin around and look back at the steel door. My heart continued to pound in my chest as I looked around the dingy hallway. The walls were painted blood red and had several large golden mirrors hanging along the walls, reflecting the flashing strobe light as I walked down. I noticed several closed black doors along the way which were currently locked, if the swipe card light was anything to go by.

I stopped and raised my eyebrows at the scene in front of me. It was breathtaking. The room was shaped in a large circle which had private booths situated around the edge that offered privacy with the black silk curtains. A large semi circle black glass bar was positioned opposite me while the bar staff frantically mixed drinks as customers waved money at them as  if that would get them served quicker. You could see the next level of the room upstairs, the DJ above the bar on a balcony that had more black silk hanging from it. More booths could be seen upstairs with most of them occupied with the curtains open while others were shut. And in the centre of it all was an over crowded dance floor. The strobe lights continued to flash as everyone started shouting in excitement as one song started to fade away as the beat picked up again as it continued into another song. I looked at the walls, unsure why, and yep they were HELL'S signature red with more gold mirrors. It sounded weird but the decor actually worked in an edgy way. 

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