Chapter 5

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I groaned in pain as I awoke to a pounding head and a dry mouth. I groaned again as I slung my arm over eyes as I tried to stop the bile from climbing my throat and out of my mouth. I knew trying to drink wolves under the table was a bad idea! Damn their metabolism. I cautiously opened my eyes as I pulled my arm away from my face, peeking out and sighing in relief that the blinds were shut. I did not need the sun greeting me this morning. 

I slowly rolled over being careful not to make any sudden movements. The sooner I ate the sooner I would feel better, I silently told myself. I knew blood will help cure a major hangover, I just needed to get out of bed and get it. I slowly got up, grimacing as the room decided to spin as I stood. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out as my room settled slightly. With last night's clothes still on and not caring I made my way to the kitchen.

The house was extremely quiet considering that this house was considerably loud last night. The scent of vomit and sweat hit me as I walked further down the landing causing me to stop momentarily and gag. Looks like I'm not the only one. 

I crept down the stairs and walked into the kitchen and headed straight for the fridge. I quickly grabbed a bag of blood and tore it open with my fangs and drunk greedily. Ugh! Cold blood never tasted good but I was too hungry to heat it up. Once finished, I quickly tore open another bag and gulped it down. As the blood settled in my stomach my headache started to disappear and the nauseous feeling dissipated. Much better. I thought to myself and then grimaced at my appearance. I binned the empty blood bags and headed back to my room to shower.

Once clean and dressed I headed back downstairs, pausing outside David's bedroom door and listened. Nothing, not even a heartbeat. I guess he decided to stay out? I continued making my way downstairs and made a cup of coffee. As the kettle boiled I remembered the card that Arthur gave me and pulled it out of my black jeans and studied it again. The card was black with the word HELL in bold red letters in the middle with what appeared to be blood dripping from the words. Some kind of vampire joke I suppose. I flipped the card over and read the address. It was a twenty minute drive from here. It still seemed rather close to a werewolf territory considering David's views and opinions about vampires. 

I sat down at the round kitchen table and sipped my coffee while staring at the card. I was excited and terrified at the the same time at the thought of learning more. Do vampires live in packs or were they loners? Do they attack humans to drink like David said or did they drink bagged blood like me? Or maybe both? I knew my uncle most likely attacked and killed humans, he did not seem the type to respect life. If he could kill his own sister what would he do to a human. I shudder at that thought.

I lifted myself up slightly and slipped the card back into my pocket for later. I still had to discuss this with David. There was no way I was disappearing into vampire territory without anyone knowing where I was. I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen and I looked up to see Justin enter the kitchen in a creased, slept in top, loose jeans and bare feet. 

"Morning." He mumbled as he headed straight for the kettle.

"Morning sunshine." I smiled as pulled out his mug. He rubbed his face and lent against the kitchen side as he waited. Once the kettle finished boiling, he quickly made a black coffee and sat the table across from me. I knew better than to start a conversation with him unless he had at least started drinking his coffee. He took a large sip and sighed in contentment before opening his eyes and looking at me.

"You're up early." Was all he said as he took another sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, I wanted to catch David but he didn't come home last night." I said looking over at the clock hanging on the wall. It was now eleven in the morning and there was still no sign of David. I pulled out my mobile and switched it on and mentally slapped myself. That would have probably helped, David might have called. I watched my screen light up as it started making notification sounds as messages, emails and god know what else came through. "Did he say anything to you?" None of the messages were from David. 

"He said that he would be out last night, I didn't question him." Justin shrugged. "I did however win some money last night." He tapped his pocket. "And I plan on treating myself."

I laugh out loud and stood up to make another coffee. "Well you deserve it." I say while quickly rinsing my mug. I look back over to his please expression and wonder if he knew anything about last night and our guests. "Justin." I start.

"Hmn." he replies not even looking at me now.

"Did you know about any of our guests last night?" I asked hesitantly. 

"What do you mean?" His eyes snap back to me as I watched him carefully, looking for any signs that he was nervous or worried. He didn't. David was hiding things from not only me but the pack too. 

"Nothing, I just thought I saw someone I recognized that's all." I share. "Well I'm going to make my way over to the club." Deciding to skip another coffee and making one there instead.  

"OK I'm on shift later so I'll see you there." He got up and gave me a quick kiss on my head and a hug. I scrunched up my noise as the smell of gone off booze hit my nose. 

"Make sure you shower though because I can smell the booze seeping from your pores." I hugged him back. He scoffed at me and lifted his arm up, taking a quick sniff and wrinkled his nose. 

"You got me there." He laughed as he walked over to me lifting his arm up. He went to make a grab for my head but I ran as soon as I saw it coming. I laughed as I ran out of the kitchen and headed straight for the front door. Once I cleared it i peeked over my should to see Justin mouth 'get you later.' I mouth 'dream on' back to him before hopping into may car. I didn't feel like walking this morning.

I pulled up in the car park to the side of the club and turned the engine off. I locked the car and headed straight for the staff entrance and was greeted with the smell of sweat, booze and vomit. The smell accompanied the club unfortunately. Humans wouldn't smell it but I did. I had an quick look around at the clean and tidy bar 1 room and walked to the side door leading to the hallway. Maybe David stayed here last night?

I speed through the hallway and unlock the office, not bothering to hide my disappointment that he wasn't. He probably went home with Guin. I sighed and sat down in my usual spot at the desk and turned the computer on. I needed to go over the numbers, make orders and pay the bills. My job never ended.

My stomach growling made me pause and glance up at the clock. 8pm. Excitement and eagerness filled me once again as I imagined my trip to HELL. I would have to leave a note for David. I checked my phone again in case I zoned out and missed a call from David, not surprised that there wasn't.

Pulling out the card again, I quickly scribbled a note for David letting him know exactly where I was going and who I was meeting. I didn't want any confusion in where I was. I signed the note and stood up and stretched. God that felt good. I turned off the lamps and exited and locked the room and grinned. I was actually looking forward to seeing Merl again. That old mage had a devilish side and I intended to enjoy it.

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