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YEET I HAZ THE CHAPPY! Now fair warning y'all might yell at me....and plz do I like seeing people's reactions

We looked at each other ,for what seemed like forever, before I turned away. I kept trying to push bendy off of my lap, but to no avail.

"Bendy get off please."

He just looked at me, dead in the eye, with just the faintest hint of blush on his cheeks. He had the most sternest look on his face that I've only ever seen him give his brother. Not to Mugman, not to a shop keeper, not to anyone besides Boris. It surprised me, and I let my guard down, leaving me open for an attack. Bendys hands reached up and grabbed the sides of my face, turning it so I would look at him.

"Do you mean it."

Bendy looked at me as if he was looking straight into my soul.


I questionably tilted my head to the side.

"Do you mean it. Are you in love with me."

"W-what! I-I-I'm n-not,"


His voice trailed off as he looked away, his features turning from seriousness to being unsure and sad. He looked at the sand and got off my lap, after a bit he looked up and smiled. I could tell in an instant that the smile was forced, but I just left it be. I got up and we headed to the hotel in silence. I reached up and grabbed the necklace around my neck. I subconsciously ruffled bendys hair and smiled.

"Don't be so down in the dumps shorty, it's not like I died or anything."

"But you could have....."

I heard bendy whisper under his breath. I was about to speak up when I knew what he was talking about, the incident from a year ago, when I acadently shot my brother with my power. I looked down at my hand remembering the horrific event.

"*sigh* you don't have to worry 'bout that, I'm over it now. You saved me and I will thank you a million times over."

He looked up at me with a smile that was not forced in any way. Then he coughed, small and short at first then progressively larger in the span of a few minutes. I cared him bridle stile ( just because, ur welcome) back to the hotel. When we got there Boris was in a panic and I didn't know why. Felix was looking through his bag for something so I just ignored him. I couldn't find Mugman so I figured he must be in the bathroom. I walked over to the bed and layed bendy down. Boris ran over and started tending to his older brother.

"Cuphead, we need to talk."

Felix grabed my shoulder and led me to the couch. He sat me down and looked me in the eyes. I wasn't paying attention to him because I was worried about Bendy.

"Cuphead, listen to me!"

Felix yelled, whitch surprised me and I turned to look at him. His face was full of worry and stress.

"Cuphead, something happened....."

"What? What happened? Is everything ok?"

I started to stand but Felix sat me back down.

"It's about Mugman....he was, well, captured in a way, by the um, devil."

I looked at Felix, who was probably thinking about a million things at once right now, and me yelling was most likely not one of them.


"Calm down Cuphead it will-"

"Calm down, CALM DOWN! HA like That will help, it was probably Boris's flat in the first place!"

" it wasn't Boris's fault that Mugman was captured. Mugma-"

"It was my falt, I'm the reason he was taken...."

We both looked at Boris, his back turned to us. I stomped over and turned him around, about to 'talk' to him, but stopped. He had tear streaks on his face and his eyes were puffy. It looked like he had been crying for weeks. He turned and went back to tending to his brother.

"He's been like that all afternoon, and the fact that you two were gone so long added to more stress. Boris probably spent five or six hours crying."

I turned and looked at Felix who looked right back.

"Tell me what happened."

TOE <editing (hopefully)>Where stories live. Discover now