Chapter One: I'm not a child!

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Peter woke up in his old bunk bed and his senses were telling him that something was wrong. Usually, when he woke up in his bedroom, nothing bad was about to happen. He quickly panicked because the weird feeling wasn't leaving him alone and quickly jumped down from the bed. He looked around the room, everything seemed normal, a bit messy but normal, but his senses were still warning him about something. Weird.

He looked at the door and came closer, his senses still bothering him, if only a bit more than a moment before. He reached for the door handle and suddenly they went crazy. He retreated his hand and stared at the wood in front of him. Termites? No, that would be weird. Must be something else if the door handle makes his senses react.

That got him wondering if something was behind the door. He stood there confused, thinking of all the possibilities. He decided that he was going to be careful anyway, just in case a supervillain decided to grab a cup of coffee in this apartment.

He climbed up the wall next to the door, hanging upside down from the ceiling. Peter carefully reached for the door and opened it.

Suddenly a boxing glove attached to some weird mechanism above the door in the hallway came through the doorway into his room. It was held back by the door and made to punch the person who opened it, that person was meant to be Peter. The punch didn't look that powerful, his senses were way too annoying for something that harmless.

He rolled his eyes and got down back on the floor, at least he was feeling more awake now. Another one of his brother's pranks, this time he recognized it from a while back when Andrew tried to prank Tobey. He was scolded by Aunt May and forced to put it away, the reason the prank didn't work. He ducked down below the apparatus and went into the hallway outside of his room and headed toward the kitchen, he was starving.

When he walked into the small but cozy living room he was met with a smirking brother on the couch writing something on a laptop with a cup of coffee beside him. He didn't notice Peter coming in, perfect.

He quickly went back to his room and got the boxing glove that was still at his door and thought of a plan. He sneaked around the side of the couch that had its back turned towards the hallway and ducked down behind it, hiding himself. He put the glove on his hand as quietly as he could manage and jumped up, surprising his brother.

Andrew looked up at him and his eyes widened as he realized what would happen.

Peter lightly punched Andrew on the side of his face and came down on the couch, as he twisted in the air he landed upside down. He was satisfied as he looked at his confused brother holding a hand to his right cheek.

"You have a good punch for such a small child", Andrew said surprised as he looked at his brother who was now on the floor, still smiling and suppressing his laughter as Andrew's fake sad face looked at him.

"Hey!" Peter said, offended, "I'm not a child!" They always used this argument when he manages to beat them in something, so annoying.

Andrew just chuckled to himself "I have to admit you aren't convincing me right now. I mean, what teenager giggles on the floor?"

"This one right here!" Peter said proudly while standing up and failing to straighten his pajamas, "And I'm not giggling."

"Whatever you say, little bro."

He threw the boxing glove off his hand and on the couch beside Andrew as he headed towards the kitchen on his quest to find food. He opened the fridge, took out some milk and cereal from a cupboard, and a big bowl. He settled for the usual easy breakfast and sat at the dining table, facing his brother on the couch.

"Where is Tobey? It's Sunday, he should be home" Peter asked as he looked at his brother who went back to typing on his laptop.

"He went to the grocery store with Aunt May," Andrew answered, still not looking up from where he was typing.

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