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Great! He wants to see me! I don't know what to do! But then again maybe if we did meet... NO! NO NO NO! I HAVE TO WAIT A BIT LONGER! besides as soon as he would fine out it's me, he would reject me... I can't risk that yet! But if I fall for him more it will hurt more if I wait... I guess we can meet just to get me heart broken... I mean how bad could it be? I really really love him and if he's loves me back my world well be complete I don't even know why I didn't notice how much I liked him before! I guess I used to be so nervous that I tried to like Nightmare it only worked for so long... I don't know what I'll do if he rejects me I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.


Cross snuck back to Nightmares Castle and grabbed a few who things and wrote a letter back to Ink saying that he can see him tomorrow morning. But Cross was extremely nervous he really did love Ink he would do anything for him so Cross just waited tell morning.

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