Strange Times

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Gwen POV
We look at the floating man as he lands in front of us. He had a red cloak mixed with blue garments of clothing. His hair was black with gray on the sides and he had a goatee. (Y/n) is the first to speak. "Hey Mr. Strange. How-"


"Mr. Doctor?" I ask confused.

Mr. Doctor sighs. "No. I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. As stated before I have a few questions for you two. Why don't we take a seat?"

In that instant the next thing I know I'm sitting in this brown chair next to (y/n) with Dr. Strange in front of us. This whole thing was freaky, something I've never experienced before. I look over at (y/n), who isn't as freaked out as me, clearly knowing of this man and some of his powers. He did look a bit unsettled though.

"So..." (y/n) starts drumming on the armrests, clearly anxious.

"Tea?" Dr. Strange offers. Next thing I know I have a tea cup in my hand. What in the world?

"Thanks... I guess?" I look at the tea. My spider sense didn't seem to go off about anything dangerous in there, so I take a sip. Chai.

"As you know, (y/n), the job of the Sorcerer Supreme is to keep everything in our universe in line, meaning no threats from other realms or worlds reaching ours. So tell me, why is Gwen Stacy of Earth-65 here in our Earth working with you?"

How does he know my name? How does he know where I'm from? "Uhh... how do you know those things?" I'm so freaked out.

"I just told you I'm the Sorcerer Supreme. I see and know things you can't even imagine."

"...Right. Well, I'm from Earth-65 as, um, you're well aware of, and I have, well, I guess had now, this device that would allow me to jump dimensions. Do you know of the Inheritors, oh wise one?"

"Yes I am aware. Go on."

"They have some... hate against Spiders. They always wanted to kill us. We had these watches that would allow us to jump dimensions and be some sort of Spider hero group, only mine got stolen last time and I was placed in some Earth I had no knowledge of. After an encounter with an evil, crazy version of me who became good again, a story for another time, I got this new device that allowed me to jump dimensions so I could fight for my friends. I then became the only Spider who could go to dimensions. This time I was going to go to Earth-616, but something happened to my device and it broke. Now I'm here."

Dr. Strange nods his head. "Well, it must've been very busted, because you're nowhere near Earth-65 or Earth-616. You're in Earth-122420."

I blink a few times. "Come again?"

"Our Earth is 122420. I don't know how or why your device brought you here, but that's where you are." I have never heard of this Earth before, but that's a given. I didn't know anything here, so I knew I was in a new world. I just didn't think it was so far away from my destination. "However, that does bring up my next question. How are you going back?"

"I can answer that one." (Y/n) speaks up, putting his tea down and wanting to be included. Probably. "I have a friend who's a genius who we were talking to about fixing it before we ended up here."

"You're entrusting this to a kid."

"He's an adult. Young adult, yes, but an adult. Also Tony Stark is unavailable as well as the Fantastic Four. Not like we have many options. Unless you can do one of those circle thingies to her universe."

"I can't do that. It's too far of a universe for my capabilities."

"I thought you were the Sorcerer Supreme."

Tale of Two Spiders (Spider-Gwen x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt