Explosive Introduction

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There's a loud explosion on the wall you're both standing at, as glass and other items start flying in the air. There are sounds of panic throughout the room. You look where the explosion happened and see... a green guy on a hover board? This was new. He was laughing maniacally as he flew closer. More bombs were thrown, causing more destruction.

"I'll take care of the Green Goblin. You focus over here and try to save everyone." Gwen orders.


You can't protest as Gwen thwips away. What did she just call the guy? Doesn't matter. Not the most important thing right now. What was important was saving everyone here. You look into the crowd and see several volunteers helping others. You go up to the mic and give out orders. "Evacuate the area. If someone is wounded, carry them down. We gotta save as many as we can. We need to hurry before the fires spread." You thwip around, checking on everybody. Then you hear a yell for help. It was a voice you knew. That was Mary Jane!

You swing over and see her and Peter surrounding a body. Harry Osborn was trapped underneath some rubble. MJ's dress was torn and Peter had a couple of scrapes. You couldn't focus on that as you lift up the rubble with ease. Harry was unconscious, and his legs were definitely broken.

Peter puts his ear to Harry's chest. "He's alive."

"That's good to hear. You two get him to safety. Help should be on the way." You hear more crashing as one of the entrances crumbles. You look out the window and see a big gap. If you could provide a web net that could allow people to jump in and evacuate the building. No flying guy in sight, meaning this would be safe. "Everyone who hasn't gotten out yet! Go to the window! I'm providing a web for you all to land safely!"

You jump out the window and provide a bunch of large webs to get people to land on, thwipping back up to assist people. Those who couldn't jump down and were injured you brought down carefully by having them hold onto you (or you holding onto them in some cases) to the ground below. There are several of New York's finest on the scene, from ambulances, paramedics, police, and firefighters.

You go up one last time to make sure that there's no one left behind, using your spidey sense as a guide. You couldn't see anyone save for the firefighters, but you remember you left your suit up here. You run over to where you left it and see it's a bit charred, but shrug it off as it wasn't that important right now. It was hard to breathe with all the smoke, so you jump out of the building one last time, using a web to slow your descent. From above you see huddles of people, from news vans to police to firefighters. It was crazy how one moment could change just in the blink of an eye. Here you were celebrating your first kiss and then boom (literally).

You check on a few groups, getting several thanks before you think of going to find Gwen. She could handle her own, yes, but help was nice and always appreciated. You were also interested in checking out who that flying guy was. However, you're stopped when you hear a voice. She was sounding frantic, and it instantly made your stomach drop when you heard it.

"(Y/n)! Gwen!"

You look to your left and see your mom looking super anxious, scared, etc. She was a mess. It made you happy to see her after all that happened. She was okay. Everything will be okay. Seeing her put you at ease. You wanted to go and hug her, but you were in costume, and really did not want to reveal your identity. Being Spider-Man, you had to be the hero, and clearly she needed one. You go up to her and ask "What seems to be the trouble ma'am?"

She turns and looks somewhat relieved to see you, but you could see she was still crying and frantic. "Have you seen my son or his friend? Or girlfriend or whatever they are I don't know it's been crazy and-"

Tale of Two Spiders (Spider-Gwen x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora