The X-Mansion

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Laura waits outside of the alley while you two change. It's easy for Gwen to change, obviously, but you whine and gripe about it. Not that you wanted to put the suit back on, but the fact that it was still damp and it had to touch your bare skin. The chafing was going to be atrocious later.

"I am going to get so sick." You mutter once you put your mask back on.

"Just means more bad guys for me." Gwen puts on her mask. "But don't worry. You'll have the best care from both your mom and myself."

"Well, I guess getting sick won't be so bad then."

"Can you lovebirds hurry up?" Laura groans. "I want to get this over quickly."

You walk out with Gwen and put your arm around Laura, who winces when she puts her arms around you. "Sorry for the dampness."

"It's... it's fine. Let's just go to the school and deal with the devil so I can go home and plan my next attack."

Gwen swings behind you as you head towards the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. The mansion/school was located close to Central Park, and back when Laura used to be a member of the X-men you used to visit there every once in a while. You were familiar with a few of the X-men and their associates, having some run-ins with each other. It's how you and Laura met after all. Currently there were two heads of the school: Charles Xavier (Professor X) and Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto), and was home to mutants of all ages, races, mutations, and sizes. All in all, a good place to be if you were a mutant.

"So what exactly went down between you and Beast?" You ask Laura.

Laura sighs. "I don't want to get into details, but there were several reasons. One was that we had a fight over our ideas about the X-men. Morals, what we stood for, how to go about it, you get the idea. Overall I felt like I couldn't be one of them and left on my own terms."

"The way you say that makes it sounds civil."

"Oh it was far from it. We ended up trashing the lab."

"And that's more like the Laura I know."

Laura smirks as the school gets into view. You and Gwen drop down, letting go of Laura once you touch the ground. The school/mansion looms in front of you, it's impressive stature being both intimidating and magnificent. You wondered how Professor X and Magneto were able to get such an impressive structure around Central Park. It must've been a fortune, and you felt a bit depressed knowing how miniscule your bank account was.

"Well, should we knock?" Gwen asks before doing exactly that.

After a couple of moments a man with brown hair appears on the other side. He was in his X-men attire of a blue and black suit. After he sees who it is, he says "Oh cool. I can go back to normal." And with that he turns into his mutant form of nothing but ice. "Hey Spidey."

"'Sup Bobby." You give him a high five. "Brought a couple others with me."

"I can see that. Spider-Woman right?" Bobby says waving at Gwen and then stopping when he sees Laura. "You're back?" Bobby skates over to Laura, who is standing with her arms crossed.

"At the moment I am currently back at the mansion yeah. As for the X-men? Definitely not."

"Figured as much. I take it you're here on accounts of that attack with the humanoid lizards?"

"News goes by fast." Gwen comments.

"We're here to talk with Hank. Is he here?" You ask.

"Yeah he's here. Let me take you to him."

Tale of Two Spiders (Spider-Gwen x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora