The Daily Bugle #2 (Announcement and update)

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The writer known as AFatLlama has been dormant on their story dealing with the webslingers Spider-Man and Spider-Woman, and people are beginning to wonder what's been going on with them

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The writer known as AFatLlama has been dormant on their story dealing with the webslingers Spider-Man and Spider-Woman, and people are beginning to wonder what's been going on with them. AFatLlama has published a few chapters in the acclaimed Stuck Together: Ela x Reader, but not this one. People are starting to wonder if this piece of work would even be updated. Well, to put those rumors to rest and ruin J. Jonah Jameson's holiday season, AFatLlama has finally decided to come clean.

"There are several reasons why I didn't publish anything for this story for a while." The writer told an interviewer. "There's the obvious Ela stuff and lack of motivation, but also classes and work get in the way. However, there is another reason for this delay."

AFatLlama, or Llama as they're more commonly known as, has told The Bugle that an announcement would come with the next chapter that was due to come out sometime this week. It was teased in their other story, but it makes us wonder what is it going to be? Llama wouldn't confirm any theories, but some rumors are that they may be working on a new story. Details are ambiguous, and our editor J. Jonah Jameson had this to say about the subject

"I was rather enjoying these months. I had an excellent Thanksgiving and enjoyed seeing no publications about certain masked menaces. But all good things must come to an end as AFatLlama has the audacity to continue the story! As I have stated numerous times they have several other projects and works of writing. Why not continue those instead of a fanfiction that deals with the buffoonery of the delinquents that plague New York?!?"

When brought to their attention, Llama laughed and shrugged it off, leaving a cryptic "Just you wait and see."

The Bugle awaits to see what AFatLlama has in store for us, and anticipates for what the announcement may be. In terms of the Spider-Man story, which last left off with the conversation with Laura Kinney (our Wolverine) and the swing over to the X Mansion, Llama has us wondering what may be in store, and which new characters may be introduced. While the delay may have been long, we have been told that readers have faith that the chapter will deliver.

Llama's soapbox:
Writing these is kinda fun not gonna lie. As mentioned in the "article," I do have an announcement coming very soon. More on that later but it's something I've been wanting to do for a while and I can't wait to show you something I've been working on. But enough about that! Let's talk about Spider-Gwen! So the next chapter won't have too much action unfortunately. I have to draw the plot somehow with the introduction of some characters, but a major bump in the road will happen, so be prepared for more updates and drama! I apologize for being inconsistent with the chapters. Just know that I haven't forgotten about the story and I can't wait to post some ideas I've been developing. Excelsior!

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