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"So the Green Goblin said that the city will flood with green?" You ask after Gwen tells you what went down last chapter. You were currently swinging to the hospital to check on Harry and your friends, hoping everyone was alright.

"He said New York will be the greenest city on Earth before flying off. Probably going to wherever he's based." Gwen was holding onto you for support as you carried her. She was still paralyzed from her encounter with the villain, which she was not too happy about.

"Well when you put it that way it sounds pleasant. How are you holding up?"

"I've been better, but I've been worse too. I have some feeling in my toes, so that's improvement."

"We'll find you a wheelchair at the hospital. Try to think of a story to tell that's not some flying green guy sprayed something and paralyzed me. You may also want to change back into the dress, but maybe make it a bit damaged."

"Way ahead of you." Sure enough, Gwen was in her attire she wore to the event. Her dress had some tears in it to sell the fact that she wasn't a masked superhero and was at a charity event that went awry. Despite this, she still looked attractive to you, especially with that blonde hair blowing in the wind.

"God you're beautiful." you mutter under your breath.

"Even though I look like I came out of the dumpster?"

You're glad your mask is on, otherwise she'd see a blushing superhero. "Heard that, huh?"

"Mhm. Thank you, though. Needed to hear something like that after what went down."

"Yeah our special night went quite awry unfortunately."

"Guess we'll just have to find time to make up for it."

"Kind of hard for a superhero but I'll make time. Maybe a rooftop lunch or something." You round a corner and see your destination. "There's the hospital. I'll drop you off and put my suit on before we go in."

"I'm not going anywhere so take your time."

You set Gwen down and grab the bag of your clothes from the wall, putting them over your Spider-Man outfit. You weren't sure if you'd need it later, and even if you didn't you weren't changing in front of Gwen. You weren't at that stage of the relationship yet. Once in your suit, you help Gwen stand up and put her left arm around you as you support her to go inside the hospital.

Peter is there at the front waiting for you two. He looks relieved to see you both alive, but that relief turns into fear when he sees you carrying Gwen. "Don't worry. Only temporary paralysis. Should hopefully be alright soon." You tell Pete, and that look of relief reappears on his face. "How's Harry?"

"His legs are broken, but he should be alright. He's conscious now."

"That's good news."

"Yeah. Yeah it is."

"How are you holding up, Peter?" Gwen asks.

Peter takes a deep breath and runs his hands through his hair. "I've... been better. All that work and it's all gone, not to mention one of my best friends breaks his legs. May seems to be taking it better than me, though. Says there are no casualties so that's good. You two did great with that."

"Just doing our job. Can we see Harry?" You ask.

"And get me a wheelchair so I don't need to be dragged everywhere?"

"That too."

"Oh. Right. Yeah I'll show you where he is."

You get Gwen a wheelchair and help her get situated. She says she can feel more of her body up to her knees, so hopefully that paralysis would go away in a few minutes. That said, you had fun wheeling her around the white halls. It seemed like every room was occupied by a patient, which was both a good thing but also kind of sad. You decided not to dwell on it and follow Peter to where Harry is. Turns out he has his own room, which was quite lucky, but kind of expected for an Osborn.

Tale of Two Spiders (Spider-Gwen x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu