Weird Times Pho-Sure

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Laura Kinney was standing in front of you, back turned. You meanwhile were on the ground, severed lizard tail around you. You weren't sure about the other Laura Kinneys in the other universes, but this Laura was the daughter of Logan and Sarah Kinney, and received her father's mutations of retractable claws. Unfortunately this meant she was also prone to the want of capture to use her as a weapon. Like her father, she can regenerate and has adamantium claws due to her adamantium skeleton, which seemed to be passed down. Currently she was taking the mantle of the Wolverine in honor of her father, who no one was sure where he currently was, or if he was alive for that matter.

"Spiders, lizards, and now a wolverine. New York really is turning into a zoo." you quip, getting back up.

Laura turns and smirks, her beautiful green eyes directing her attention to you. "Still as quippy as ever."

"It's become a signature thing of mine."

"At least you know when to stop. Wade never shuts up."

You groan at the sky. Deadpool. What even was up with that guy? Dude basically steals your look and your battle banter. He was even dubbed Ninja Spider-Man by some of the news sources at first. "So what brings you here?"

Laura retracts her claws and looks at the hospital. "I sensed something. Found the reptilian scent, but it wasn't like a normal reptile's. It had a mix of human, so I decided to investigate. I heard some of the chaos and checked it out. I had to deal with a couple of them before seeing you."

"Thankfully you arrived. I was not enjoying being turned into lizard prey."

Laura nods and the two of you look at the area, where the police and medical staff first come out before the press and general public. Usually how things went down.

Laura and you were good friends. She was a few years older than you and, to be honest, you did have a crush on her. I mean who wouldn't? She was pretty, you liked her style, and her black hair complimented her mesmerizing green eyes perfectly. But you had Gwen to crush over now, and unlike Laura, Gwen was softer, more compassionate, and didn't have claws that could lacerate you at any moment's notice. Plus you knew Gwen felt the same way about you, and you couldn't wait to share many moments of both your superhero and personal life with her. That is, if she was able to juggle it with her personal life and academic career, which were both on separate universes. Her home in one, her school in another, and her boyfriend in a third one. How will a woman like that remain sane?

Your thoughts are interrupted when Laura asks "Hey don't you have a partner now? Spider-Woman or something?"

"What?" Laura's arms are crossed, waiting for an answer "Oh. Yeah. She's-" Just as you were about to tell Laura, a white and black figure lands right next to you. "She's right here."

"I checked out the place. Couldn't find a source." Gwen takes notice of the new hero. "So you're the Laura Kinney of this universe?"

"I'm the Laura of what?"

"It's a long story." You rub the back of your head.

"I've got time."

"Should we really discuss this now? The police and press are starting to arrive." Gwen was right. People were starting to fill the area, phones being taken out and cameras snapping images. Being the only three superheroes in the vicinity, you were guaranteed to get attention, and you didn't want the press to hear Gwen's story.

"Let's discuss elsewhere then. Pho sounds good right about now." Laura suggests.

"Yeah I could definitely eat after that. Sound good to you Spider-Woman?"

Tale of Two Spiders (Spider-Gwen x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang