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After having met his second God, Harry read the message from Zayn as soon as the shock had worn off. Given how much fuss was included, with Hermes having to come down to Harry's town at all, the letter was rather simple.

My dearest love,

I promised you something and I shall not let my word go unfulfilled. Tomorrow at sunrise, meet me at the house. We will go to one of the most beautiful places in all of Greece. I sincerely hope you will like it. Its beauty is not man-made. Athenes is green with envy for its temples and palaces could not compare.

I look forward to seeing you again, my love.

The letter was not signed, why would it be if Hermes could tell Harry personally who sent it. Gods are so theatrical. Still, a little fire of excitement was kindling inside of Harry's chest and made it hard for him to fall asleep. In his twenty-five years of life, Harry hasn't had many opportunities to leave farther than the handful of neighbouring towns and villages. Perhaps he could ask Zayn to take him to Athenes or even to Rome or Egypt but that would most likely be just plain toying with the most powerful God. Seeing a distant empire isn't worth losing his life over.


The next morning, Harry doesn't see his mother before he leaves. It's early enough that she hasn't risen yet and after their market squabble the day before, he doesn't desire to talk to her again. He's certain they would fight and why ruin a beautiful day before it even begins?

The sun is peeking over the horizon, painting the sea orange when Harry arrives at their house. Zayn isn't there yet but the stray orange cat is. It's quite friendly and buts its head against Harry's legs when Harry stands in front of the door, deciding whether he should go in or wait outside. The cat's meow stops him in his decision process.

"I don't have any food here, little friend," Harry says and crouches down to pet the cat. "Why don't you go down on the beach and catch something, huh?"

The cat meows again, making Harry laugh. "I'll give you something next time we eat here, alright? Now go, be a mighty beast and hunt."

He encourages the cat to leave with a little nudge above its tail and begrudgingly, the cat does leave. In the cat's path, Harry sees some golden sheen in the air and a smile tugs on his lips. As Zayn fully appears near the house, the cat arches its back, hisses and runs away.

"You spooked the cat," Harry says as he rises up from a crouch. "How rude of you."

"That was not intentional, I promise," Zayn chuckles, walking to Harry and giving him a fleeting kiss. "Hello. Are you ready to go?"

Harry leans in for a proper kiss, leaving his hand on Zayn's neck even after he's pulled away. "Where are we going? How can I know that you're not taking me to an island in the middle of nowhere where I'd be your sex slave or something?"

Zayn laughs. "You're quite funny, do you know that? Your sheer abandon and bravery when talking to me are admirable. I love it. All the mortals are scared I'm going to make them into stone like Medusa or whatever it is they are afraid of. No, were are not going to a remote island. We're going on a beach. But it's quite a special one. You'll see. Well, are you ready?"

"I suppose so," Harry shrugs. "Better get it over with."

"Alright," Zayn nods, taking Harry's hands into his gently. "I must warn you first. We are not travelling in a very, let's say conventional way."


"It will be completely fine, I promise," Zayn insists. "Just close your eyes, love. Don't be afraid."

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