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Days come and go. The moon is the same every night, the sea's tide comes at the same time each day. Harry hasn't heard back from Zayn yet but it's the war, he can't imagine that there's much time for petty troubles.

Enough time passes before Harry decides to pay his mother a visit. He doesn't like to leave a grudge to fester and grow unattended so he would rather talk it out than avoid her in the small town.

It's a regular day like any other when Harry knocks on his mother's door in the morning. She opens with a bit of a bewildered expression but she lets him in without any nagging and yelling where he's been all this time. They simply get seated at the kitchen table, silently and a bit grimly.

"I want to tell you the truth, mother," Harry starts, trying to sound as genuine as he can. He's truly had enough of hiding and if Gemma knows who he's been sleeping with, so can his mother.

"It's long overdue, son," she sighs. "Please, do tell me. I'm listening."

Harry takes a deep breath and looks down at his interlocked hands on the wood of the table. "It has been many moons now since I met him. At first, I thought I was simply a lover to him, nothing more and nothing less. We met at the beach one night and I didn't believe at first either because you know I lost my faith in the Gods after father had died. But it was him. He was a God and he just shot a lighting bolt right next to us and when he left he simply vanished into thin air."

"Zeus?" Harry's mother breathes out. "What is this story, Harry?"

"Please just listen," Harry insists. "He asked me to be his lover. And you must remember how after that I started asking you more and more about Gods, claiming I had rediscovered my faith. And I've been his lover ever since. He loves me as I love him. I didn't open my heart to him for a long time, even after he had told me that he loved me. I was cautious and careful with my heart because he's God, isn't he? He's had thousands of lovers. But what we have is different. I will tell you all about it one day. Now, all you need to know is who he is and that I'm with child."

She gasps and lets out a breathy chuckle. She shakes her head a few times and hides her face in her hands.

"Mother?" Harry asks when she's been silent for a while. "I've got to leave soon, are you not going to say anything."

"I can't," her voice comes out muffled. "Leave me to absorbs this information."

"Alright," Harry frowns but he gets up and walks to the front door. When he's in the doorway, he looks back and he thinks his mother might be sobbing quietly. Harry's unsure if she wants him to see so rather than going to her, he leaves and goes to work.

At the school, Harry's distracted the whole day. Every moment when he's with his little students, he can't help but wonder about the child growing under his heart. Will it be a boy or a girl? What will happen to them if Zayn doesn't come back? Will they even be able to get an education?

It hurts his heart but Harry still hasn't stopped considering simply getting rid of the child before it's even born. Tasoula is a doula and not only does she help deliver children, she knows how to terminate a pregnancy. It's not an easy decision to make but the world views men having children in quite a bad light. If Harry's left alone on top of all that, the child will not have a very good life which would be grossly ironic considering their other parent is a King and a God. Harry doesn't want to do it but he might be left without any other choice. This is the very, very last resort as he's willing to try anything to get in touch with Zayn. Even if he took the baby to Olympus and left Harry in Greece, he would be fine with it as long as his child had a good life. That's the most important thing.


Harry sees his mother again some days later. He comes in the evening, trying to be as nice as he can. Since he saw Tasoula earlier in the day, he brings along some of her new spiced cheese for his mother as a little branch of peace. He knows how his relationship with Zayn might look and he understands the fears she must have so he's gonna take it easy.

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